There are many infiltration routes in detachedhouses in Japan.
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Prediction of indoor air quality considering the concealed air leaks in theimproved houses | 2008 | English
Adaptive Control which considers Human Comfort corresponding toThermal Environment Change, and it's Energy Saving Effect | 2008 | English
This paper shows the experimental evaluation of thermal comfort of people moving from outdoors to indoors in summer.
Ventilation Performance of Residential Kitchen Range Hood- Capture Efficiency of Island Hood | 2008 | English
An island hood, which is often installed in anisland kitchen, is an exhaust range hoodmounted on a ceiling independently. Thecapture efficiency of the island hood is obtainedby experiment and CFD analysis.
The present research was aimed at the definitionof a design hypothesis for the construction of apharmaceutical warehouse in a hot humid areaof southern Sudan.
Stimulating better envelope and ductwork airtightness with the EnergyPerformance of Buildings Directive | 2008 | English
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directivementions that each member states' energyperformance (EP) calculation methodology mayinclude envelope airtightness.
Subtask B of the IEA-ECBS Annex 44"Integrating Environmentally ResponsiveElements in Buildings" deals with thedevelopment and the optimisation of integratedbuilding elements.
Mean and turbulent characteristics of the boundary layer under neutral andunstable conditions | 2008 | English
Prediction and visualisation of wind flow andpollutant dispersion in urban, densely built areasis necessary for city planners and engineers inorder to regulate and monitor successfully thelocal air quality.
Wind speed correction based on the terraincharacteristics is commonly found in severalwind related applications in the builtenvironment.
A wide experimental campaign on transparent advancedintegrated fa~ades with a mechanically, naturally andhybrid ventilated air gap has been carried out both at theDepartment of Energetics at Politecnico di Torino and atLaboratorio Nacional de Enge
Capture Efficiency and Indoor Thermal Environment inside Commercial Kitchen using Low Radiation Cooking Equipment with Concentrated Exhaust | 2008 | English
In commercial ltitchen, a large amount ofheat and moisture as the effluence need to beremoved. Therefore, a large ventilation rate isneeded and energy consumption can be large incommercial kitchen.
Laboratory and on-site measurements of natural ventilation rate with solarchimney system | 2008 | English
Development of a unique measuring unit for airflow volume within the vertical shaft of naturalventilation system with solar chimney with theresults of laboratory test and on-sitemeasurement is presented.
Energy performance assessment of one DSF active buildings sample in Europe based on clustering analysis. | 2008 | English
A sample of existing double-skin faqade (DSF)buildings distributed across Europe were analysedby means of data clustering.
Building services create customised, user-oriented and controlled conditions for thevarious activities taking place on real estatesand related premises.This paper presents an outlool< of buildingservices trends in Finland.
Recently, a law securing 0.7ACH ventilationrates was enacted in South Korea. As aconsequence, various ventilators have beeninstalled in apartments.
International building legislation is setting stronger and stronger requirements for the energy performance of buildings. The most recent example is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the European Union.
Evaluation of a multi-layer rack latent heat thermal energy storage system coupled with a building ventilation system | 2008 | English
A numerical simulation is used to evaluate theefficiency of a multi-layer rack composed ofphase change material (PCM) sheets each. Thebuilding, object of this study, is actually underconstruction in Lyon and will be monitored.
The purpose of this paper is to proposestrategies of reducing energy consumption forcooling in residences under hot and humidclimate such as Indonesia.
There is an obvious and indisputable need for anincrease in the efficiency of energy utilization inbuildings.
The case study of a nursery school of Bologna isa pilot example of how hybrid ventilationsystems can be embedded in architecturallysignificant buildings.
Study on Airflow around Building Roof for Design of Natural Ventilationby Chimney-Part2 Wind Velocity Distribution above Building Roof- | 2008 | English
The purpose of this study is to clarify thecharacteristics of airflow around building roofand to provide the guidelines for design ofnatural ventilation by chimney.