Uno, T.; Hokoi, S.; Ekasiwi, S.N.N.
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008

The purpose of this paper is to proposestrategies of reducing energy consumption forcooling in residences under hot and humidclimate such as Indonesia. Based on the resultsof field survey, a simulation of the indoorthermal environment considering the operationof an air-conditioner was carried out, in order toevaluate energy consumption by theair-conditioner. This simulation program takesinto account both heat and moisture transportsin the walls. The effects of air tightness andthermal insulation were examined. The resultsshow that an increase in insulation on ceilingsor roofs is essential to reduce the heat flowcaused by the strong solar radiation. This is alsotrue for the houses without air-conditioners.Increase in air tightness of only the airconditionedroom can effectively reduceelectricity consumption, mainly due to the latentheat load.