What is AIVC?

The AIVC (Air infiltration and Ventilation Centre) is the International Energy Agency’s information centre on energy efficient ventilation.
In recognition of the significant impact of ventilation on energy use, combined with concerns over indoor air quality, the International Energy Agency (IEA) inaugurated the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre in 1979 (To be more precise, the AIVC is one of the annexes running under the Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Programme (www.iea-ebc.org) which is one of the Implementing Agreements of the IEA). The AIVC offers industry and research organisations technical support aimed at optimizing ventilation technology. We offer a range of services and facilities, including comprehensive database on literature standards, and ventilation data.
We also produce a series of guides and technical notes. The Centre holds annual conferences and workshops.
For a list of the AIVC countries please click here.
The operating agent of the AIVC is INIVE (www.inive.org)