The 44th AIVC conference "Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality" will be held on 9 & 10 October 2024 in Dublin, Ireland together with the 12th TightVent conference and the 10th venticool conference. The conference will take place at Croke Park.Conference Scope
The AIVC holds a conference each year in September/October, a workshop in March/April and several webinars, covering a wide range of topics in the field of infiltration and ventilation in buildings. The conferences and workshops take place in one of the AIVC participating countries. Since 1980, the AIVC annual conferences have been an international meeting point for presenting and discussing major developments and results regarding infiltration and ventilation in buildings.
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Upcoming Events
The 14th International Buildair Symposium: "Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice" will take place on May 16 and 17, 2025 in Hanover, Germany.
The conference "IEQ 2025: Rising to new challenges: Connecting IEQ to a sustainable future”, organized by ASHRAE and AIVC, will be held in Montreal, Canada on 24-26 September 2025.