Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice

The book of proceedings of the 12th International BUILDAIR Symposium "Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice",  held on June 25-26  2021. Contains 36 abstracts.


Air Leakage Detection in Building Façades by Combining Lock-In Thermography with Blower Excitation

Air leakage in building envelopes is responsible for a large portion of the building’s heating and cooling requirements. Therefore, fast and reliable detection of leaks is crucial for improving energy efficiency.

Air permeability testing of a 125-meter-tall high-rise (lessons learned)

Throughout the world more and more high-rises or very tall buildings are being checked for air leaks. In February 2021 air permeability measurements were carried out in a 125-meter-high building with 37 storeys. This is the first time that a building of this height was measured in Europe. This report provides information about the planning process, the measurement concept and the measurement results.

Airtightness testing of clean rooms (isolation rooms) in a new hospital building

Content of the contribution
At the beginning of 2019 I received a request to measure four so-called isolation rooms which were intended for a new hospital. Such isolation rooms are standard practice to prevent the transmission of germs and viruses from patients with contagious diseases or to patients suffering from immunodeficiency.

Luftdichtheitsmessungen von Reinräumen (Isolierzimmern) bei einem Krankenhausneubau

Inhalt des Vortrages
Anfang 2019 erhielt ich eine Anfrage zur Messung von vier sogenannten Isolierzimmern, welche beim Neubau eines Krankenhauses vorgesehen waren. Solche Isolierzimmer werden regulär betrieben, um die Übertragung von Keimen und Viren von Patienten mit ansteckenden Krankheiten oder zu Patienten mit Immunschwäche zu verhindern.
