16-17 May 2025, Hannover – “14th International BUILDAIR Symposium”
16 - 17 May 2025 | Hannover, Germany
Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC)
09:30 Europe/Brussels

The 14th International Buildair Symposium: "Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice" will take place on May 16 and 17, 2025 in Hanover, Germany. 

The event will offer a unique opportunity to find out about the latest developments and best practices, to highlight particular challenges in airtightness testing and to exchange experiences across national borders. 

The conference programme will include:

  • Lectures and short presentations followed by questions and discussion time
  • Brief presentations of exhibitors / products (90 seconds)
  • Panel discussion

The Call for Papers is now open and due September 20, 2024. Contributions can cover both general topics and present detailed knowledge on the following:

Conference topics

Practical measurement experience 

  • EN ISO 9972 and national annexes
  • Opportunities of measurements during construction
  • Special measurements (large buildings, zone measurements, cold rooms, clean rooms, etc.) 
  • Challenges and dangers for measurement teams


  • Detecting, measuring, evaluating, eliminating 
  • Leakages before renovation of existing buildings and unavoidable leakages after renovation
  • How tight is tight enough? 

Renovation of existing buildings 

  • The optimal airtightness concept (Is there an optimal airtightness concept?)
  • WTA information sheet on airtightness in existing buildings 
  • Challenges in quality assurance 


  • Product developments to ensure airtightness 
  • New measuring devices and evaluation programs 


  • Social change: How can ventilation become a matter of course?
  • Successful ventilation concepts for existing buildings 


  • Unusual applications on the building envelope (including supply shafts, etc.)
  • Unsteady building thermography 


  • Submission of paper proposals 20.09.2024
  • Notification of acceptance 30.11.2024
  • Submission of the download versions 09.05.2025
  • Submission of PowerPoint presentations 09.05.2025

Conference organisers & partners

The conference is organised by the Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister (e.u.[z.], www.e-u-z.de), 2025 in close cooperation with the AIVC, INIVE and TightVent. 

Other cooperation partners are the Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen (FLiB), the Bundesverband für Angewandte Thermografie (VATh), the Bundesverband Gebäudeenergieberater Ingenieure Handwerker (GIH), the Deutsche Energieberater-Netzwerk (DEN), the IG Passivhaus and the Passivhaus Institut.


For more information please visit www.buildair.eu