Systems of ventilation. Luften mit system.

Discusses how air flow in a building is affected by the position of the ventilation openings in the outside wall. Treats factors determining selection of controlled ventilation system and provides examples of systems available: small air vents, mechanical ventilation with acoustic and thermal insulation, ventilation with heat recovery, etc. Discusses an optimal solution with air quality control.

Ventilation systems in residential buildings. Energy effects of ventilation systems in residential buildings. Luftungssysteme im Wohnungsbau. Energetische Auswirkungen von Luftungssystemen im Wohnungsbau.

A comparison of various ventilation strategies and their effect on air infiltration using a pair of experimental single family size houses. Discusses natural ventilation with and without ventilation grilles in the windows, centralized and decentralized mechanical ventilation. Concludes that mechanical ventilation is not economic at present energy prices.

A CO2-controlled ventilation system.

Describes the CO2-controlled ventilation system of the energy efficient EKONO II office building in Helsinki. An air sample is taken from a main return air duct, pumped to a CO2 analyzer which gives the message of the concentration tothe computer. The computer regulates the opening of the recirculation air and outdoor air dampers to keep the CO2 concentration in return air below a certain level. Shows fluctuation of outdoor air rate and CO2 concentration during one day.

New residential building construction in the US.

Summarizes the information obtained concerning new residential construction in the US and points out important differences between US and Swedish technology and construction methods for energy efficient housing. Selected building components for US housing are described and compared with corresponding Swedish techniques. Most important differences are -1. Differences in ventilation strategies - almost all new Swedish houses have continuous mechanical ventilaton. 2. The airtightness of building envelopes. 3. Wall constructions and standard insulation practices.

Airtightness and ventilation - a feasibility study. Lufttathet och ventilation - program utredning.

Presents a review of work carried out by SCBR concerned with airtightness of buildings and ventilation up to January 1982. Describes important features of building systems and mechanics, ventilation systems and immediate surroundings of importance to ventilation process. Assesses the building physics aspects of ventilation systems for various building categories. Discusses a number of ventilation case studies for detached houses and apartment buildings, and presents existing computer programs for single-cell and multi-cell models.

Complementary venting structure for airtight windows.

Describes the development, design and production of fresh air vents to be used in conjunction with airtight windows in Hungary.

A method for the calculation of the improvement in thermal insulation provided by ventilated, as compared to unventilated, windows. Metod teplotekhnicheskogo rascheta ventiliruemykh okon.

An effective way of reducing the transmission flows through windows during the heating season is to use the air extracted from the room to ventilate the air space between the glazings. The heat transmission coefficient of a ventilated window is between two thirds and one third of that of an unventilated window, and the infiltration heat loss is less. Proposes analytical dependencies and graphs for the determination of the heat transfer coefficient and the temperatures of the panes as a function of the window construction and the heat transfer intensity.
