The ventilation of dwellings. Structural basics. Wohnungsluftung. Bauphysikalische Grundlagen.

Due to the fact that loss of heat due to transmission is on the decrease, the loss of heat due to ventilation is becoming more important. Heat recovery units must be put into use to decrease the heat loss due to ventilation. If mechanical ventilation systems are used to create a minimum air change rate, air-tight windows are necessary - but if no ventilation grilles are used they are out of place.

The impact of the supply air window on indoor air. Laboratory tests. Tuloilmaikkunan vaikutus sisailmastoon. Laboratoriokokeet.

Describes laboratory tests to find correct operative conditions for a controlled outside air intake through the air space in the window to provide efficient ventilation without creating draughts. 

Field measurements of characteristics of turbulent air flow in the occupied zone of ventilated spaces.

Characteristics of the air velocity were measured at 500 points in the occupied zone of 20 typically ventilated spaces. A relationship between the mean velocity and the standard deviation was found at four heights above the floor. The turbulence intensity varied from 10 to 70% at ankle level (0.1 m) and from 20 to 55% at head level. This is similar to the experimental conditions under which the draught chart by Fanger and Christensen was established.

Air change rate and ventilation efficiency. A new aid for the ventilation industry. Luftvekslings- og ventilasjonseffektivitet - nytt hjelpemiddel for ventilasjonsbransjen.

Discusses guidelines produced for the Nordic Ventilation Group. Explains how the designer can select an effective ventilation system on the basis of information on ventilation rates and ventilation efficiency.

Ventilation of residential buildings. Beluftung von wohngebauden.

Investigates the effects of five different ventilation strategies on the annual energy consumption for heating and warm water of residential (family) homes. The strategies are: (1) natural ventilation, (2) mechanical ventilation and three forms of exhaust plants. Uses weather data from Portland, Oregon and Great Falls, Montana as examples of very different climatic conditions and heating/cooling requirements. The University of Wisconsin TRNSYS program was used for numerical simulation.

Radon concentration in interior rooms. Radonkonzentration in innenraumen

Measurements of the radioactive subsoil inside a closed and air conditioned room were made to establish how far the concentration of radon and the radon daughters may be changed by means of ventilation. Whereas the radioactive subsoil in a building cannot be influenced due to the given cosmic radiation and the radio-active isotopes, it is generally assumed that the radio-activity originated by Radon 222 may be removed from the room air by ventilators. The radon diffusing from the brickwork disintegrates into several intermediate radio-active products and finally into stable lead.

Evaluation of ventilation systems through three dimensional numerical computation.

To make an evaluation of ventilation systems, numerical computation was carried out for three dimensional, isothermal, and turbulent flow schemes. It was found that there exists an optimum position for an inlet in relation to an outlet whereby the most effective ventilation can be attained. In addition, similar to the results for the two dimensional computation, the slope of the concentration decay is virtually constant and independent of the position in the room, so the mixing factor derived from this slope can be used as an index of the ventilation efficiency.

Trickle ventilators in low energy houses.

Describes a demonstration project to show that, in well sealed houses, trickle ventilators can provide an opening large enough to reduce condensation and odour problems, but small enough to avoid any significant increase in energy use.

Construction risks and remedies: Condensation. Part 2. The remedies.

Discusses methods of preventing condensation: dehumidification, ventilation, controlling vapour flow; insulation and heating. Particular attention is paid to interstitial condensation and condensation in roofs

Energy conservation measures by natural and mechanical ventilation systems.

The advantages and disadvantages of various ventilation systems have been assessed in Germany over the past four years. The programme covered research in unoccupied test rooms as well as in occupied buildings. Results are presented, and the possibilities and limits for energy saving while meeting comfort requirements are discussed.
