Theoretical and experimental analysis of different ventilation strategies in a test room.

The paper presents an original computer code for the analysis of contaminant diffusion in rooms developed at the Politecnico di Torino and its experimental validation by means of a test facility located at the University of Basilicata (Potenza). Thevelocity fields in isothermal conditions, together with localages of the air, have been analysed and compared, with different ventilation strategies and number of air changes.

Ventilation and humidity in bathrooms.

A laboratory investigation has been made in a modern Swedish bathroom continuously ventilated by an exhaust fan. The tests consisted of measurements of the humidity, temperature and local mean-age after a standard shower. The measurements were mainly made in a non-heated installation.

An energy efficient ventilation method for a kindergarten.

We are presently working on problems associated with kindergartens which, with regard to indoor climate, are quite over populated. Typically, the kindergartens are around 300 m2 inarea and 700-1,000 m3 in volume, with 60-80 children, and withnatural ventilation only. The basic air change rate is 0.2-0.4 ach. As we have shown*, users have a tremendous impact on air infiltration which, in the kindergartens, rises from the basic 0.2-0.4 to 0.7-1.5 ach when the kindergarten is in use.

An indoor test house.

The test house is located in the Institute's laboratory hall. This new facility (see above) will mainly be used for the study of alternative ventilation strategies in tight houses. However it will also be used for basic air infiltration research. The main reason for building thehouse indoors, is to obtain a controlled environment both with regard to the ambient temperature and the flow rate of outdoor air supplied.

Building services engineering and the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) regulations.

The COSHH Regulations are concerned with the health of employees in relation to their exposure to harmful substances, particularly airborne contaminants. COSHH places a great deal of emphasis on the control of substances to reduce exposure. Featuring prominently under control is ventilation, whether it be dilution ventilation or localised extract. The Building Services Engineer has and important and prominent role to playunder COSHH in relation to ventilation and control measures, in particular in defining performance criteria and establishing examination and testing procedures.
