The objective of the paper is to present a new educational concept for improving the accessibility towhole building Heat, Air & Moisture (HAM) simulation models developed in the simulation environmentHAMLab. We provided a library of buildings, including the default performances of the buildingsthemselves, on a website. Students can select the most appropriate building, adapt the inputparameters, simulate and evaluate the results. In case a higher resolution is required, two stepsexplain how to implement respectively advanced controllers and HAM details.
The severe impact on health associated with biocontaminants, such as dust mites, has become increasingly apparent in recent years. Consequently, a considerable effort has taken place to develop biocontaminant growth models and to assess the efficacy of possible psychrometric control measures, involving the modification of room conditions. However this approach is not always successful due to the low correlation between room conditions and those within the microenvironments inhabited by biocontaminants.
Application of lighting control technologies has increased the public interest. Although these technologies have been promoted during the last years their successful use in buildings has been accomplished in a small percentage of new projects. One reason is the difficulty in quantifying the energy savings and thus the subsequent payback period.
The paper presents the results of the measurements and integrated simulation of the energy demand and air exchange in one of the flats located in a 5-storey building located in urban area. The experiment was carried out during 3 weeks of March. The total energy consumption necessary for flat heating was measured continuously (at a 2 sec time step). After measurements were finished the energy demand and ventilating air flows were calculated assuming the same weather data variation as measured during the experiment, using the ESP-r software.
A model of Venetian blind associated simple or a double glazing is proposed in this article. Simplified modeling is based on a 2D approach (not taken into account of the effects edges) and separately treats the transmission of direct and the diffuse one. The evolutions of the form factors and the solar flows transmitted according to the degree of opening of the blind, of the slope of the plates, the position of the sun in the sky are taken into account and the models used are described.
In this paper the performance of a desiccant cooling system was evaluated. The system comprises a desiccant wheel in tandem with a thermal wheel with evaporative coolers in both air supply and return air streams before the thermal wheel. It allows cooling and dehumidifying air without using conventional refrigerants. A computer simulation was developed to study the effects of various designs and outdoor air conditions on the performance of the system. The simulations were run with SPARK, an object oriented program that allows creation of very flexible tools.
The CLIM 2000 software environment [1] was developed by the Electricity Applications in Buildings Branch of the French utility company, Electricité de France. This software which has been in operation since June 1989, allows the behavior of a whole buildi
In 1993, the R & D Division launched the IntelChaud project with a view to improving the comfort provided by individual gas-fired boilers used for domestic hot water production. This study was conducted in partnership with two French boiler manufacturers and was therefore applied to two particular cases. The work performed for this study has led to substantial improvements in boiler control through the use of sophisticated numerical control systems.
In this paper, a model for predicting whole building heat and moisture transfer was presented. Both heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope and indoor air were simultaneously considered; their interactions were modeled.
The idea proposed in this paper is to control the HVAC equipment with predicting the heating/cooling loads and indoor conditions by computational simulation according to the target, such as energy consumption, energy cost, CO2 generation and indoor thermal comfort. The simulation inputs is given by the measurement results, e.g. weather conditions, indoor temperature and humidity on the spot. The developed system controls HVAC system by using the real-time simulation, and investigates the performance of this system.