Validation of Tools used for HVAC Simulation

The joint IEA research project of ECBCS Annex 43 / SHC Task 34 “Testing and Validation of Building Energy Simulation Tools” contributes to evaluation, diagnosis and improvement of building energy simulation tools. So it carries forward a process that has

Simulation of the Climate System Performance of a Museum in Case of Failure

The paper presents the evaluation of the current HVAC components and indoor climate of a high tech Naval Depot in case of failure events. The methodology of the research was: First, implementation of the heat, air & moisture models of the building and HVAC components in SimuLink. Second, validation of the models using measured data from the present building control system. Third, simulation of the current and new HVAC systems designs. Fourth, discussion of the usability of the approach.

Building Thermal Performance Optimization using GA and ANN

The optimization of building thermal performance has traditionally been based on designers’ experience. However, optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) have lately been used extensively in order to find the optimization configuration of a

Use of IEA-SHC Task 21 C Benchmarks to assess performance of lightscape 3.2 in daylight calculations

In this paper, we use the validation test cases initialized within the subtask C, "Daylight design tools", of IEA SHC Task 21, "Daylight in buildings" to assess the accuracy of a commercial lighting software, Lightscape 3.2. We first analyzed the applicability and the limitations of the IEA 21 test cases, and we concluded some directives for validation test cases in order to guaranty its applicability to assess any lighting software.

Simulation of dynamic envelope components through System Identification procedures

Together with the definition of innovative plant and envelope technological solutions for buildings, many simulation tools (models) have been developed to make the design choices easier. However the definition of analytical structures able to describe the characteristics of building components installed under real conditions is still difficult. The paper presents some experiences made by ITC. They have been carried out by using System Identification techniques to simulate and predict the performances of various components analysed also through experimental campaigns under real conditions.

Hydronic radiator heating with thermostatic valves: Improves thermal comfort or upgrades efficiency?

Energy performance standardisation evaluates all measures at the building and building services level that improve energy efficiency. Thermostatic valves are one of the choices, which are considered. To demonstrate their effect, a detached house, a terraced house and an apartment with three different levels of thermal insulation and hydronic heating were evaluated. Variants considered were (1) the fuel, (2) the boiler and (4) thermostatic valves or not. The TRNSYS and BOILSIM tools were used to simulate an Ukkel TRY-year.

Diagonal air-distribution system for operating rooms : experiment and modeling

In a test cell equipped with an operating table, a medical lamp and a manikin representing the surgeon, air velocity and tracer-gas concentration were automatically measured at more than 700 points. Numerical simulations were performed too for analyzing air quality in operating rooms. The results showed that the distribution of the contaminants depends strongly on the presence of obstacles like medical equipment and staff.

Improved model to simulate air flow rate through an opened window

The author describes how to improve the usual formula to calculate air flow rate through an opened hopper window.Improvements consist in better taking into account the geometry of such windows when estimating their opened area and also in adapting to this type of windows the model used to take into account the influence of wind and of thermal draught.Improved model gives a good comparison with on site measured data from the literature.

Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method

Indoor aerosol particles, their concentration and deposition in displacement, their movements in two ventilated rooms are compared numerically. For the simulation of particle tracks, the discrete trajectory model is adopted whereas the Eularian method is used for solving the continuous fluid flow.

How to use natural ventilation to cool narrow office buildings

There is a resurgence of interest in naturally ventilated offices. Most of the time, cooling the buildings is possible with the opening of windows. Simulations with the softwere TAS were made and showed that window opening allow a sufficient day or night ventilation rate, even if wind characteristics are not favourable. The optimal size, shape and location of the window apertures to reach sufficient ventilation rates has been studied along with the impact of the wind orientation and the building degree of protection on these ventilation rates.
