In that study, two air supply devices were investigated in order to simulate the characteristic of natural wind. The paper demontrates that the simulated natural air movement had an acceptability, for the subjects exposed, higher than the artificial air movement. With simulated natural air movement comfort may improve with energy saving in warm climates.
The hygrothermal behavior of the building envelope affects the overall performance of a building. There are numerous tools for the simulation of the heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope and also whole building simulation tools for energy calculations.
The humidity of rooms and the moisture conditions of materials in the enclosure of buildings depend much on each other because of the moisture exchange that takes place over the interior surfaces. These moisture influences also depend strongly on the thermal conditions of indoor spaces and enclosure elements of buildings. In turn, the moisture and humidity conditions have significant impact on how buildings are operated.
This paper investigates the generation of typical meteorological years (TMYs) and example weather years (EWYs) for Hong Kong, and studies their effects on the simulation results of the performance of building energy and renewable energy systems, i.e., solar and wind energy systems. According to various methodologies, different TMYs and EWYs were calculated using Hong Kongs weather data from the past 22 years. The results were used for a building energy simulation and for a
In hot summer days, in Bucharest the air temperature is over 36°C and the relative humidity exceeds 50 %. That explains the big air-conditioning demand for tertiary buildings. This paper deals with an experimental and a numerical investigation of an air-c
A manufactured home has been installed on the NIST campus for ventilation, energy andindoor air quality studies. The primary purposes of the facility are to study mechanicalventilation requirements for U.S. manufactured homes and to investigate the systems used tomeet these requirements. In addition, the building will be used to investigate moisture issues,indoor air quality impacts of combustion appliances, and VOC emissions from buildingmaterials and furnishings. The first phase of this multiyear effort has focused on airtightness,system airflows and air change rates.
Carbon-dioxide (CO2) based demand controlled ventilation (DCV) offers the potential for moreenergy efficient building ventilation compared with constant ventilation rates based on designoccupancy. A number of questions related to CO2 DCV exist regarding energy benefits, optimalcontrol strategies, and indoor air quality impacts for contaminants with source strengths that areindependent of the number of occupants. In order to obtain insight into these issues, a simulationstudy was performed in six commercial and institutional building spaces.
The design for the new Federal Building for San Francisco includes an office tower that is to be naturally ventilated. The EnergyPlus thermal simulation program was used to evaluate different ventilation strategies for space cooling and rationalize the design of the faade. The strategies include ventilation driven by different combinations of wind, internal stack and external stack. The simulation results indicate that wind-drive ventilation can maintain adequate comfort even during hot periods.
Considering the natural ventilation, the thermal behavior of buildings can be described by a linear time varying model. In this paper, we describe an implementation of model reduction of linear time varying systems. We show the consequences of the model reduction on computing time and accuracy. Finally, we compare experimental measures and simulation results using the initial model or the reduced model.
In this work two numerical models are presented. The first one simulates the buildings thermal response and evaluates the internal air quality, while the second one simulates the human and clothing thermal systems and calculates the thermal comfort level in non-uniform environments. The results obtained by the first model are used as input data in the second one.