A Simulation Program for Regional Energy and Environment Management (SPREEM) has beendeveloped for management throughout the life cycle from planning and design to operation of awide-area energy and environment whose core is DHC (district heating and cooling). Highoperability and easy understanding are required in SPREEM because its target users includedesigners and operations managers.SPREEM was developed as a simulation tool that executes calculation in Excel, and offers the highaccuracy required for management.
As a part of our research on energy conservation and thermal comfort of detached houses havingcentralized HVAC systems, study with numerical simulation techniques was started. The model is thehouse that has mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems with a centralized air duct equippedwith a sensible heat exchanger and has large return air (4 times an hour). The parameters in thesimulation are the set point temperature and outdoor air flow rate.
As a new way of air conditioning, task air conditioning (TAC) system is often used in combine withbackground air conditioning (traditional central air conditioning) system. In this research, the ComputationalFluid Dynamics (CFD) technique is used to analyze the impact on thermal environment of task zone whenthese two air conditioning systems are used together. The purpose is to find the thermal satisfactory workingconditions of the task air conditioning when the temperature of the background air conditioning is set to behigh.
For reduction of Green house Gas emission, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEFC) ispromoted by the government in Japan as more efficient co-generation system(CGS). On this study forthe purpose of finding the efficient energy supply system with PEFC in the apartment house, first theauthor proposed PEFC Apartment House as more efficient system than the current one (boiler andelectric power), which consists of PEFC-CGS, thermal storage tanks, power network and managementsystem.
The Egyptian community in its path for rapid development is endeavouring to make all necessary andappropriate measures to enhance the efficiency of energy utilization and increase the beneficiation ofthe energy resources. Throughout the Nation, Energy resources are widely used and consumptionrates are in general exceeding the International accepted values. The use and application of new andrenewable energy sources can be harnessed to design, construct and operate a solar building ofmoderate size for desert applications.
This paper reviews the previous attempts to evaluate the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), investigatespreviously proposed IAQ factors and analyses the evaluation methods of these factors. The presentwork introduces, also, a new hypothesis of the optimum HVAC airside system design of the surgicaloperating theatres to achieve the comfort and hygiene levels. The present work is devoted to proposeand formulate a new scale capable of adequately evaluating the airflow pattern in the surgicaloperating theatres. The proposed new scale is proposed to cover the local and overall air qualityevaluations.
This paper describes field experiments and numerical simulations on hybrid utilization of renewableenergy and polymer electrolyte fuel cells for a residential energy system. It presents the results ofempirical testing and evaluation of hybrid utilization involving solar energy. First, field experiments wereconducted on an electric power and domestic hot water supply system that uses both solar energy andfuel cells on sunny days in Sapporo. The system achieved a 46.6% reduction in primary energyconsumption compared with conventional systems.
As a series of our research on energy conservation and thermal comfort of detached houses havingcentralized HVAC systems, sensitivity analysis on feasibility of space cooling with outdoor air wasconducted using Design of Experiment(DOE). Effects of varied parameters on building thermal loadwere examined for five cities such as Tokyo and Osaka that have different weather conditions within themilder climate area of Japan.
There are about 16 millions building in Turkey. The total energy consumption of these buildings is approximately 3.48x105 GJ. The energy consumption of the office buildings having HVAC systems can be stated as 150 kWh/m2.year.Turkey is in the warm climate band and the day time outside air temperature in summer (May ~ September) is about 30C. Parallel to the increasing comfort demands, energy consumption also increases. These factors make the necessity for increasing energy efficiency of buildings apparent.
This article is part of a research in progress about comparative study methods for the Brazilian reality using among many other authors, Givoni (1969), Voght and Miller-Chagas (1970), Fanger-ISO(1970), ASHRAE (55-1992), Mahoney (1971), Humphreys (1978) and Olgyay (1962) methods. This research presents the principal concept to be evaluated by the Universal Fuzzy Controlled aiming to establish a reference to determine a possible interference of the acclimatization factor to determine thermal comfort.