The target of this study is to investigate aninnovative indoor LED illumination that usesheat pipes as the heat transfer channels toconduct the released heat of the LED to theheat-sink fins on the two sides.
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Performance assessment of an indoor LED illumination incorporated withthe building environment control system | 2008 | English
This paper describes thermal characteristics of a hydronic floor heating system using heat pumps. An experimental system is constructed in a climate chamber. It has a test room with a floor area of 1 1.6 m2 and an air volume of 23.15 m3.
Tokyo Electric Power Company R&D Center wascompleted in September 1994.
Development of Simple Prediction Tool for Lighting and Electrical Outlet Power Consumption in the Non-Residential Buildings | 2008 | English
The main objective of this research is thepresentation of a method for finding lightingand power outlet energy consumption volume,which is both easy to calculate, and possesses acertain degree of accuracy, fiom the Japanesebackground of few lighti
Integrating active thermal mass strategies with HVAC systems in officebuildings: development of a concept design tool | 2008 | English
Thermal mass can be used in buildings toreduce the need for and dependence onmechanical heating and cooling systems whilstmaintaining environmental comfort.
The productivity of occupants in classroomsdepends strongly on the indoor air quality andthe thermal comfort. Three ventilation conceptswith different arrangements of supplyand exhaust openings are presented as solutionsin this study.
Evaluation of effect of the wind pressure fluctuation for cross ventilation in the residential district | 2008 | English
In residential district, it is difficult to setappropriate wind pressure coefficient for crossventilation design, because there are various andcomplex parameters that influence the windpressure.
The quality of a hydronic energy system isinfluenced by supply and return temperatures.Instead of using the exergy term, a TEA(Temperature and Energy Accumulated) curveis introduced for evaluating an examplifiedplanned 100 GWh district heating sys
The building sector is the first responsible ofenergy consumption in France (about 43%).Improving procedures, simulation tools anddesign methods should go in parallel withefforts to enhance the energy efficiency and tofind optimal design solutions
A Study on the Filtering Impact of Plants and Soil on the Reduction ofVolatile Organic Compounds | 2008 | English
The research regarding the importance of indoorair quality is recently becoming issue fromKorea and various methods are being used toimprove interior air quality.
Cross ventilation analyzed by recording pressure distributionon the floor of wind tunnel models | 2008 | English
Cross-ventilation is difficult to predict andcontrol because wind exhibits a large degree ofvariation in both speed and direction.Consequently, the design of a well functioningcross-ventilation system presently demandsthorough and often expensive
Impact of building morphology, thermal inertia and glazed area on theenergy consumption of residential houses | 2008 | English
This paper presents the energy savings thatcould be obtained by the appropriate design ofthe building in terms of morphology, thermalinertia and glazed area.
Computer model and simulation of a traditional passive cooling ventilationsystem in a modem building in Mazara Del Vallo (Italy) | 2008 | English
Traditional and modem natural ventilationtechniques have been integrated in a hybridsystem for a retrofitting of a public building inthe city of Mazara del Vallo (Ttaly).
DX A/C systems are widely used insmall to medium size building and generallyrely on On-Off control as a low-cost approachto maintain only indoor dry-bulb temperature.Continuously running the supply fan in a DXA/C system has a significant influence
Nowadays, due to the energy saving purposes inthe building sector, at new buildings and atrefurbishments, modem closing elements arebuilt-in, with very good thermal insulation andair tightness properties.
Reinforcement of air-tightness and thermalinsulation in the indoors leads to the declinein air-change rate.
Study on energy conservation effects of wind-induced ventilation indetached house using coupled simulation of semi-empirical ventilationmodel and network models | 2008 | English
A semi-empirical ventilation model was proposed for cross-ventilation. This model isbased on local dynamic similarity theory andwas coupled with COMIS and TRNSYS, whichare widely used for energy conservationsimulation.
Cool-Radiant and Dry Exergies Available from the Ceiling with an AtticSpace Conditioned by an Air-Conditioner | 2008 | English
A radiant cooling system with the use of anordinary air conditioner in attic space, whichmay cope with natural ventilation, wasdeveloped as a trial.
designed "air-curtain chemical fume hood" arediagnosed by using the tracer gas concentrationdetection method.
Applying the activated carbon fiber filter supported with copper oxide catalyst to remove indoor VOCs | 2008 | English
HVAC (Heating, ventilating air conditioning)system is used to keep indoor air quality. Thepurpose of the traditional HAVC system isproviding a comfortable environment andventilating the indoor air pollutants.