An investigation of the minimum fresh air supply per person required to prevent the occurrence of unacceptably offensive odour due to stale air in offices and similar buildings. The study was made under everyday conditions as far as possible, in different buildings, various size rooms, different densities of occupancy, with men or men and women, and with mechanical or natural ventilation. The data observed included air supply to the room, variation of CO2 concentration, density of occupancy, cigarette smoking, odour concentration, and degree of odour offense perceived by occupants and visitors. Concluded that minimum fresh air supply should be adjusted to 35 m3/h per person. Reduction to 25 m3/h per person is not considered justified because of the consequent number of complaints of offensive odour to be expected.
Minimum ventilation rate. A research report.

Bibliographic info:
Report No C470E, TNO Research Institute for Environmental Hygiene, 1983. 110p, 31 figs, 6 tabs. #DATE 00:00:1983 in English