Ventilation management for patient care protection during construction in a bone marrow transplant unit

Protecting immune suppressed patients from construction generated airborne opportunisticinfectious agents is essential during their hospitalization. During modernization of thehospitals 32-bed bone marrow transplant unit (BMTU), an empty intensive care unit wasretrofitted to BMT ventilation criteria. Filtration, pressurization and room air exchangecriteria were required at 12/h. A condensate particle counter and a digitalpressure gauge were used to assess these criteria.

Measured IAQ in two new blocks of flats

Two similar blocks of flats have been built for people with respiratory diseases. The buildingshave a clean and effective ventilation system and low emitting building materials. Theventilation system is a centralized supply and exhaust air system, either based on demand(Building A) or user controlled (Building B). Total volatile organic compound (TVOC) levelsand concentrations of ammonia and formaldehyde were measured in one apartment on each ofthe six floors of both buildings before occupants moved in and after 3 and 7 months and afterone year of occupancy.

Long-term monitoring of the performances of an innovative HVAC system for cinemas

In this paper, the results of the elaboration of the experimental data from 1-year longmonitoring of the performances of an innovative HVAC system installed in a multi-roomscinema of the Warner Bros Village near Venice is presented. This system is based on a rooftopexpressly designed for cinemas applications.The behaviour is analysed to verify the machine design choices in terms of reliability,energy efficiency and comfort level achieved. The study confirms the validity of the designwhich characterizes this HVAC system.

Quality of indoor air and functionality of ventilation in day care centres

The aim of the study was to develop solutions to the problems and deficiencies encountered inventilation systems of day care centres, and which were manifested as poor IAQ or excessiveenergy consumption in the buildings at the maintenance stage of their ventilation systems.During the afternoon rest hour the IAQ was monitored and other measurements of ventilationcapacity were made. The directors and maintenance personnel of the day care centres wereinterviewed and a questionnaire was presented to the staff.

IAQ at two vocational institutes in Hong Kong

Since the initiative by the government in 1999, indoor air quality (IAQ) has received attentionfrom the community at large in Hong Kong and the education sector has also been activelymonitoring IAQ in line with the proposed objectives. This paper reports the finding of an IAQstudy conducted in 2002 at two vocational education institutes. It begins with a brief review ofIAQ development in the education sector. An outline of the site inspection, the IAQ objectivesand the equipment used in the study then follows.

IAQ evaluation of educational buildings

The paper presents the first and the second phases of a work in progress aimed to prepare aguide for the IAQ evaluation of the real estate of the Politecnico di Milano University, intended for the technicians of the university building department.The overall work is structured in four phases: (1) census and classification of theconstruction and technical features of the buildings; (2) preparation of a check-list for thedetection of hazards based on homogeneous category of building; (3) monitoring ofrepresentative building of the Politecnico real estate; (4) proposal of techniques and materi

Wall relative humidity: a simple and reliable index for predicting Stachybotrys chartarum infestation in dwellings

The aim of that study was to compare measurements of wall relative humidity (RH) to mold identification in 458 samples from 100 dwellings. The mold identification was made by a direct microcospic examination of a sample collected on the wall by means of the gummed paper technique. The conclusion of that study was that a simple measurement of wall RH is a reliable index for suspecting S. Chartarum infestation in a dwelling.

Impact of turbulence anisotropy near walls in room airflow

Re-number k-e model is the most used turbulence model in Computational fluid dynamics. But sometimes that model does not produce good results and Reynolds stress model (RSM) improves the prediction of the velocity in the jet. Measurements and observations of streamline patterns prove it.

Occurrence of phthalates and musk fragrances in indoor air and dust from apartments and kindergartens in Berlin (Germany)

The purpose of that study was to measure exposure levels of phthalates and musk fragrances in typical apartments, kindergartens and to estimate their effects on health. 59 apartments and 74 kindergarten in Berlin were studied.

Quality assessment in building investigations

IAQ investigators have a responsibility to give correct advice to the client. In cases with mould growth, the question of people’s health is often involved. Economical aspects can also be considerable due to the high costs of necessary actions during and
