Indoor climate and perceived comfort in offices

A method has been developed to investigate the comfort in office buildings. It is based onboth measurements and a questionnaire. The measurement apparatus, the so-calledAmbiometer, can record both the main comfort parameters, such as temperature, humidity,noise, light and odours, and the occupant's perceived comfort. Information regarding theindoor climate and the working environment is noted on the questionnaire.Experiments were conducted on about 50 offices in France.

Initial studies of oxidation processes on filter surfaces and their impact on perceived air quality

Ozone concentrations were monitored up- and downstream of used filter samples at airflowsof 1.0 and 0.2 l s-1. The ozone concentration in the air upstream of the filters was ~75 ppb,while the concentration downstream of the filter was initially ~35% lower at 1 l s-1 and ~55%lower at 0.2 l s- 1. Within an hour the removal efficiency had decreased to roughly 5% at1 l s- 1 and 10% at 0.2 l s- 1. These filter samples were then placed in either nitrogen or ambientair for 48 h. Afterwards it was found that there was partial regeneration of the filters ozoneremoval capabilities.

Interaktion zweier gegeneinander strömender Strahlen Interaction between two opposite air jets

Velocity measurements were performed in the air flow resulting from two horizontal opposite air jets along a ceiling. Results show how the air velocity decreases along each of the two air jets, compared to the velocity decrease along a single free air jet.Experimental results are compared with a correlation from the literature. The agreement is good.

Development of an advanced supply air filter

An advanced supply air filtration unit has been developed, and its performance was evaluatedin the laboratory. The filter consists of an electrically enhanced particle filter and an adsorbentfilter for gases. It has been designed for installation near supply air outlets. The performanceof the filtration unit was measured in the laboratory. The results showed that the filtrationefficiency for submicron particles was over 95% during the whole lifetime of the filter. Theremoval efficiency of the gas filter for toluene was also high, over 95%.

Applying tracer gas technique for measurements in air handling units with large recirculation ratio

Tracer gases are often used to assess airflow rates in air handling units. Published methods aremostly designed for units with recirculation ratios lower than those commonly found inSingapore and other tropical countries. Large recirculation ratio homogenize theconcentrations, so that concentrations in supply and extract ducts are close to each other. Inaddition, such units often present a large time constant, so the time needed to reachequilibrium is very large. A procedure for tracer gas dilution technique adapted to such airhandlingunits is presented.

Improvements of ADPI and ventilation effectiveness of a classroom by a dedicated outdoor air system

School indoor air quality has become of concern recently in Korea. In this paper, it is intendedto investigate the ventilation performance and thermal comfort characteristics of a classroom,when an outdoor air system is installed in addition to a ceiling-mounted heat pump system.Experiments were conducted in a full-scale model classroom to collect experimental data tovalidate numerical schemes. Three-dimensional temperature distributions were measured withthermocouples distributed throughout the space, and ventilation effectiveness was measuredusing a tracer gas technique.

Permeation of tracer gases through building materials consequences for ventilation measurements with tracer gas techniques

Tracer gas sorption in and permeation through building materials influence tracer gas ventilationmeasurements. Therefore, it is important to have knowledge about these processes.The permeation of three commonly used tracers (SF6, N2O and the PFT C6F6) through untreatedgypsum board has been experimentally investigated. The result shows that all three tracers diffusereadily through this material (diffusion coefficients in the order of 1 10.-6 m2/s). Caution shouldtherefore be exercised when using tracer gas measurements in rooms with walls of gypsum boardor other porous materials.

Passive parallel VOCs and ventilation rate sampler

Ventilation is the most effective procedure to reduce indoor air pollutant. Volatile organiccompounds (VOCs), which cause health related symptoms, are often detected in the indoorenvironment. The way of ventilation should be decided depending on the level of VOCs. Thelevel of VOCs and ventilation rate are usually measured individually. This study will proposea simple method to measure both the ventilation rate, by perfluorocarbon tracer gas technique(PFT), and VOCs concentration immediately by using a single sampler.

Mixing and displacement ventilation compared in classrooms; distribution of particles, cat allergen and CO2

Mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation were compared in an intervention study inclassrooms. Particles, cat allergen and CO2, were measured in classroom air at different levelsabove the floor, during regular lessons. With mixing ventilation, the particle concentrationtended to decrease with height, with a stronger gradient occurring for larger particles. Withdisplacement ventilation, the particle concentration increased with height, except for particles>25 m. The displacement system thus tended to have a slight upward displacement effect onmost of the particles.

Personalized ventilation: experimental apparatus to evaluate high induction air terminal devices

The thermal environment in vehicles varies greatly. The interaction of the cabin thermalenvironment, created by the HVAC system, the outdoor conditions as well as the occupants,is rather complex.In this regard, in order to improve occupants comfort, we thought of locally differentiatingthe parameters which influence peoples satisfaction.
