Air quality of kitchens in Jaipur city due to the use of LPG as a cooking fuel: part I : role of the exhaust fan in dissipating the pollution generated

There is an increasing evidence of air related sickness among infants and housewives in urbanIndia due to the use of liquefied petroleum gas. An attempt has been made in this study, tomonitor kitchens of 13 houses in the city of Jaipur for possible residential indoor air pollution(IAP), i.e. carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and respirablesuspended particulate matter generated during cooking. The role of the exhaust fan as aninexpensive means to dissipate these gases of combustion has also been studied.

Use of a sensory irritation potential index to characterize improvement of indoor air quality in French schools by ventilation

After several cases of health problems in French schools, a methodology for health riskassessment related to indoor air quality (IAQ) was required. Based on measuredconcentrations in schools where acute symptoms possibly due to exposure to airborne sensoryirritants were reported, an index quantifying the sensory irritation potential was built andused. This paper focuses on one classroom where the index was successively applied withoutany ventilation system, after the implementation of passive ventilation grids and with amechanically controlled ventilation.

A questionnaire survey of special old age nursing homes and elderly health care facilities in Japan

We studies the conditions in special old age nursing homes and elderly health care facilities in Japanespecially in a region with a cold climate. A questionnaire survey for all special old age nursing homes and elderly health care facilities in Sapporo and Fukuoka City, and Hokkaido, Saitama, Kanagawa, and Osaka Prefecture, and Tokyo Metropolis was performed. The main questionnaire asks about heating, air-cooling, ventilation systems, sanitary systems and indoor air quality including bio-aerosol and odours.

Monitoring pollutants in occupied spaces

There is increasing evidence of a causal link between airborne particles and ill health and thisstudy monitored the exposure to both airborne particles and the gas phase contaminants ofenvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a nightclub.The present study followed a number of pilot studies in which the human exposure toairborne particles in a nightclub was assessed and the spatio-temporal distribution of gas phasepollutants was evaluated in restaurants and pubs.

Indices for IEQ and building-related symptoms

The best protection of human health from adverse environmental exposures is possible when both the disease and its specific causal exposures are understood.Building-related symptoms (BRS) have caused an increasing public and scientific concern about Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), for over 20 years.

Risk assessment of formaldehyde in typical office buildings in Taiwan

Field investigations have been conducted for that study in 5 office buildings of Taiwan to assess the risk of formaldehyde exposure for general population.This study demonstrates that the level of formaldehyde emitted from building materials can be affected by climatic conditions such as temperature and relative humidity. Consumers must be protected from exposure and it is urgent to help the industry to develop low emission materials in that part of the world.

The medical relevance of methods to sample indoor air microbial pollution

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate different methods to sample microbial cell wallagents (MCWA) indoors and to relate the results to clinical markers of inflammation amongpersons (n = 27), living in houses with suspected mould problems. Airborne particles weresampled for 8 h or by agitating floor dust. Sedimented particles were collected from floor dust.Analysis was done for endotoxin and (1?3)--D-glucan. Endotoxin was found only in a few ofthe agitated floor dust samples.

Biohygrothermal method for the prediction of mould growth: procedure and health aspects

In buildings growing conditions for mould fungi can occur and cause fungus infestation. Thepossible danger for the occupants of dwellings lies in the production and spreading ofpathogens (disease causing agents). Therefore, consequent measures have to be taken to avoidhealth dangers that result from mould fungi in buildings. A strategy has to be set up thatfocuses on the growth conditions for mould fungi and also considers the complex transientprocesses of building physics.

What indices of indoor air pollution can - and can't - do

This paper is a commentary on comments made by Drs Molhave and Wolkoff regarding indoor air pollution indices presented by the authors in 2003. They make it clear that IAPI attains the following aims : it is easily understood by all stakeholders, it associates well with symptoms, and provides a setting for management of the indoor environment.
Bu this index is a metric of in-office pollution and not a metric of a specific pollutant.

Significance of humidity and temperature on skin and upper airway symptoms

The aim of that study was to assess the impact in an office environment of absolute and relative humidity, temperature and humidification on workers' skin and upper airway symptoms (such as nasal or pharyngeal dryness, eyes problems, congestion). Physical factors associated with symptoms and perceptions were appraised with logistic regression models.
