Final report on European interdisciplinary networks on indoor environment and health - EUROWORKS

In this swedish report, an inventory and a multidisciplinary review (EUROWORKS) of the scientific literature about networks on indoor environmental quality and health is made. That work was performed during 2001 and was supported by the European Commission.

Architectural concepts and reduction of allergen exposure

This study aims to assess the relationship between building and allergen exposure, and between dwellings and pollutants enhancing allergen response. Kind of allergens and pollutants are described with their sources, and measured levels. The authors conclude that the role of the medical corporation in the future will be very important for the improvement of the indoor air quality.

Remedial measures, building technology and their cost-effectiveness

The author describes the most important indoor air related health determinants and a table gives information on the source characterisation of health determinants indoors, their control method along with examples of actions that could be taken by national level bodies or societies.

Overview of European data on indoor air pollution in dwellings and related health effects

This paper is a review of data collected in European dwellings on particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, dampness/mould and dust mites at home. Related health effects are summarized in this review too, along with some results not yet published from two Italian indoor air studies.

Chemical reactions among indoor pollutants : what we 've learned in the new millennium ?

This paper emphasizes on the role of hydroxyl radicals in indoor processes, on chemical reactions occurring on indoor surfaces, and the impact of products of indoor chemistry on building occupants. The products of indoor chemistry can impact comfort and health, but the importance of those effects and the frequency of their occurrence remains to be elucidated.

Creating mold-free buildings : a key to avoiding health effects of indoor molds

The author advises a commitment to a philosophy of proactive preventive maintenance for home, apartment, school and commercial buildings. Preventive actions would result in considerable cost savings, and save building occupants from major health problems.

Review of evidence on housing and health - Background document

This document gives an overview of the work within the area of housing and health. It defines firstly what is healthy housing, then how housing impacts on health, and deals with a survey made in 8 cities in Europe.

Towards a new European programme for healthy indoor air EFA recommendations

The author, basing on the present knowledge on healthy indoor air, asks for a reenforcement of indoor environment in Europe, without delay.

Dampness in buildings and health (DBH) : report from an ongoing epidemiological investigation on the association between indoor environmental factors and health effects among children in Sweden

The aim of this paper is to identify the link between indoor environmental factors and asthma or allergic symptoms among small children and their parents. That four-phases Swedish study will be lasting from 2000 until 2008 : First step : an epidemiological cross-sectional questionnaire on housing and health involving 14,077 preschool children (2000).Second step : a nested case-control study including 198 children with symptoms and 202 healthy controls.

On the history of indoor air quality and health

Main environmental studies are today, outdoor air quality, but not indoor air quality though there is mounting evidence that exposure to IAQ is the cause of excessive morbidity and mortality.Research within the areas of developing countries has had a low priority during the last half century compared with research on ambient air or industrial air.
