Right combination of measures in the right building at the right time

Describes a new method, termed Minisystem Analysis (MSA) developed for the calculation of the energy conservation potential of an individual building in which a number of energy conservation measures interact. In this method, account is taken of the fact that effects cannot at all times be added, and that certain measures must always be combined in order that the full effect may be obtained.

The use of window ventilation by occupants of two blocks of flats as a function of the weather. Fenster-luftungsverhalten der bewohner zweier mehrfamilienhauser inabhangingkeit vom aussenklima.

Provides a summary of Report IIIb of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes an investigation into the frequency and duration of window ventilation over an entire heating season by the occupants of 32 flats. Treats the two blocks of flats investigated, the results of questionnaire circulated to the occupants concerning ventilation habits, the measurement and observation methods applied, and the evaluation methods applied to the data obtained.

The influence of thermally insulated shutters on the air exchange and heat energy consumption in dwellings. Einfluss von waregedammten klappladen auf den luftwechsel und den heiz-energieverbrauch in wohnungen.

Provides a summary of Report IIIa of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes an investigation ontwo identical insulated flats in the same block with the same orientation, one with folding shutters and the other with roller blinds. The occupants were instructed on how to close the blinds at night. Their normal living habits and ventilation preferences were not affected. Illustrates the flats and blinds diagrammatically and in photographs.

Energy saving effects in dwellings where measures have been implemented by governmental energy saving grants.

Presents the results from a comprehensive empirical investigation of 1144 swedish buildings in which energy conservation measures eligible for Government funding assistance have been undertaken.

Natural ventilation and energy consumption of dwellings.

Reports on an investigation concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings, which was financed by the EEC and the Dutch Ministry for Housing and Public Works. Concludes that:< 1. In single family houses air flow through cracks and joints causes more ventilation then is required.< 2. Flats with more airtight construction provide better control of ventilation.< 3. The amount of wind protection plays a part as important as airtightness.< 4.

An investigation of technical and hygienic aspects of energy saving by reducing mechanical ventilation in a block of flats. Onderzoek naar de mogelijke energiebesparing en technische en hyienische aspekten van het verminderen van de mechanische ventilatie

Measurements were made of the apparent volume flows in the mechanical ventilation system of a block of flats, along with the expected energy arising from domestic ventilation. The aim was to see what energy saving could be obtained by reducing the mechanical ventilation in the block of flats. It was found that this depended on the reaction of the occupants. If they opened an extra vent light for a few hours per day, then the energy losses due toventilation were higher then before the reduction of the mechanical ventilation.

Estimation of the relation between tightness and leakage ventilation in a building. Part 2. Rakenteiden ilmantiiviyden ja ilmanvaihtuvuuden valisen riippuvuuden arvioiminen.

Reports pressure tests of the air leakage of an apartment building. The building is three storeys with a cellar above ground. There is a mechanical exhaust system and in addition every apartment has a kitchen fan.Pressure tests were made in each apartment. Leakage points were located with smoke tests. The leakage of windows and doors was determined with the "plenum" method. Each window was surrounded by a "plenum" and leakage at the boundary between plenum and wall was eliminated by an auxiliary fan which maintains the same pressure in the room as in the "plenum".

Heat recovery from the exhaust air in old apartment buildings. Lammon talteenotto poistoilmasta vanhoissa asuinkerrostaloissa.

In order to investigate the possibilities of installing heat recovery equipment in old apartment houses, a large project has been started. There are 30,000 to 35,000 apartment houses in Finland with an average volume of6000-7000 cu.m. Possible savings from heat recovery in houses with mechanical exhaust are the transfer of heat to supply air using standard equipment and heat recovery from exhaust air using heat pumps.

The Ulvsunda project - energy saving in existing housing.

Reports results of a project to assess energy conservation measures in a group of typical three-storey, naturally ventilated, blocks of flats, built in 1940 in Stockholm. The measures were:< 1) Improvement of boiler efficiency< 2) Weatherproofing of windows and doors< 3) Adjustment of the heating system and reduction of indoor temperature< 4) Additional insulation of attic floor<5) Additional insulation of external walls< Discusses the energy conservation effect and profitability of each measure.

Airtightness of buildings: Results from airtightness measurements in new Norwegian houses. Boligers lufttethet: Resultater fra lufttethetsmalinger av nyere norske boliger.

Presents the results from a major airtightness survey carried out in Norwegian dwellings. 61 detached houses and 34 flats were pressure tested. In 14 of the detached houses and 6 of the flats, leakage paths were traced using thermography. Gives tables of results. Lists most common leakage paths located by thermography. Occupants of the dwellings were interviewed about draught problems, but there was no clear correlation between occupant dissatisfaction and leakage rate. Notes a considerable variation in leakage between the houses.
