Thermotechnical modernisation of the Limmatstrasse housing development, Zurich. Warmetechnische Sanierung der Wohnkolonie Limmatstrasse, Zurich.

Describes the housing development comprising 224 apartments in three courtyards built in 1908. Provides a detailed description of the thermal modernisation measures and their monitoring from 1974 to 1982, permitting the systematic observation of the situation before, during and after modernisation. The present report concentrates on the measurements carried out from June 1980 to the end of May 1982. Four of the apartment buildings each containing 10 apartments were treated as test buildings with experimental energy conserving installations and constructional measures.

Residents and windows 2. Airing

Describes airing habits based on observation of windows of 50000 rooms in terraced housing and blocks of flats. Compares the results with observations in other countries. Derives an expression giving the fraction of indoor-outdoor temperature difference. Calculates from this information the average energy losses in Sweden due to airing.

Heat recovery from exhaust air. Varmeatervinning ur ventilationsluft.

Describes two projects concerned with heat recovery in apartment buildings. Measures energy savings during normal operation when heat is recovered from exhaust air by a static flat-plate heat exchanger or by a heat pipe heat exchanger. Energy savings predicted during design stage are not achieved in practice because of inadequate system adjustment. Results show that energy savings can be calculated with good accuracy from individual measurements of temperature efficiency and supply air flow rates.

Curing condensation and mould growth.

Describes large-scale field studies to investigate the effectiveness of measures to prevent condensation in some 4-storey blocks of walk-up flats in Stirling. The remedial measures in the blocks of flats are improvement of thermal insulation

Measurement of radon indoors - an evaluation of measurements. Radonmatning inomhus.

Reports on radon measurements made in the municipalities of Uppsala, Sodertalje and Tyreso. Uses about 7600 kodak plastic films in private houses and bloks of flats. About 3-14% of private residences have concentrations above 200 Bq/m3, and 0.5% blocks of flats. 8-68% of private residences and 57-83% of blocks of flats have less than 70 Bq/m3 of radon.

Measuring techniques and measuring system in a recently started energy saving project.

Discusses an energy saving project managed by a Swedish contractor ABV and sponsored by the SCBR. The project concerns about 500 flats in buildings that are 25-40 yrs old. Uses and applies experiences from theoretical and experimental work of testing air permeability and calculation of ventilation and infiltration. Describes development of some new techniques for measuring infiltration/ventilation. The work has also resulted in a new measuring unit for recording and treating temperature values.

Improving the thermal characteristics of the apartment building "La Chaumiere". Assainissements thermiques sur l'immeuble "La Chaumiere".

Illustrates the building, comprising 24 flats in four storeys constructed in 1957 and heated by an oil fired boiler. Notes the intensive monitoring of the thermal characteristics of the building since 1980, with readings from 600 sensors.

Comparing calculated energy demand using the computer program DOE-2 with measurements on actual buildings. Comparaison du calcul des besoins d'energie par le programme DOE-2 avec des mesures sur des batiments reels.

Provides the first results of a comparison of computer predictions of building energy demands with measurements in actual buildings - the Maugwil single family house and the "La Chaumiere" block of flats. Describes the buildings and summarises the measurement results and predicted values in graphs. Concludes the results indicate that the DOE-2 program can predict the thermal behaviour of buildings with an accuracy to within 5-10% on condition that it uses precise hourly meteorological and air change rate data. Stresses the important influence of the program user.

Measurement of hourly infiltration rate and air change rate in the apartment block La Chaumiere. Mesures du taux horaire d'infiltration et de renouvellement de l'air sur l'immeuble La Chaumiere.

Describes the measurement of infiltration and air change rates in one flat in an apartment block containing 24 flats. Gives the general principles of the pressurization method and tracer gas method for measuring air change rate and infiltration rate. In this situation uses N2O as the tracer gas and measures concentrations with an infra-red gas analyser. Measures the effects of opening and sealing windows, and of closing internal doors on the air change rate and air movement in the flat.

Air transfer in residential buildings. Luchttransport door woningen.

Reports measurements on air transport through homes made by a committee working a Dutch Standard on Heating Load Calculation similar to DIN 4701, but taking account of air infiltration losses through joints and cracks between glazing, window-frame and facade construction. Describes the measuring method applied. Tables air leakage coefficients c and flow exponents, n ,of a number of flats and single family houses. Also tables c and n values of cracks according to type of construction and material, use of weather strips and measuring institute.
