de Gids W.F.
Bibliographic info:
Report C482 TNO Institute for Environmental Hygiene July1981 113p. 16 figs. 12 tabs. 18 refs. #DATE 01:07:1981 in English

Reports on an investigation concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings, which was financed by the EEC and the Dutch Ministry for Housing and Public Works. Concludes that:< 1. In single family houses air flow through cracks and joints causes more ventilation then is required.< 2. Flats with more airtight construction provide better control of ventilation.< 3. The amount of wind protection plays a part as important as airtightness.< 4. Predictions can be made using a calculation model, providing that accurate input data such as pressure distribution and position and size of openings in the outer shell of the dwelling are known.<5. As a result of excessive ventilation of dwellings, at least 14% of the total energy consumption of a dwelling is unnecessary.< 6. To acheive reduction of energy wasted through open windows, education of the occupants is required.