Provides the first results of a comparison of computer predictions of building energy demands with measurements in actual buildings - the Maugwil single family house and the "La Chaumiere" block of flats. Describes the buildings and summarises the measurement results and predicted values in graphs. Concludes the results indicate that the DOE-2 program can predict the thermal behaviour of buildings with an accuracy to within 5-10% on condition that it uses precise hourly meteorological and air change rate data. Stresses the important influence of the program user.
Comparing calculated energy demand using the computer program DOE-2 with measurements on actual buildings. Comparaison du calcul des besoins d'energie par le programme DOE-2 avec des mesures sur des batiments reels.

Bibliographic info:
EMPA 2nd Swiss Status Seminar on Thermal Insulation Research in Buildings Dubendorf October 1982 p.125-140