The optimization of building thermal performance has traditionally been based on designers’ experience. However, optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) have lately been used extensively in order to find the optimization configuration of a
The international center for indoor environment and energy, at the Technical University of Denmark has at its disposal 3 old and 9 new spaces for studying indoor environments and their incidence on human comfort, health, productivity at moderate energy demands. This paper describes those climate chambers, new laboratory and offices used for field experiments.
From the beginning of 2006 all new buildings (residential, commercial, industrial etc.) must have an energy declaration based on the calculated energy performance of the building, including HVAC and lighting systems. This energy declaration must refer to the primary energy or CO2 emissions. The directive also states that the energy performance calculation must take into account the indoor climate, but gives no guidelines.
An energy simulation program, ESP-r, was used for simulation of the energy requirements and indoor climate in a well-insulated terraced house in Sweden. A parameter study was performed to investigate the influence of different control schemes on energy requirement. The influence on both energy requirement and indoor climate were analysed for two different measures. Changed placement of the air temperature sensor in the heating system decreases the energy demand without deteriorating of the indoor climate.
This paper describes a comparison between internal and external run-time coupling of CFD and building energy simulation software. Internal coupling can be seen as the traditional way of developing software, i.e. the capabilities of existing software are expanded by merging codes. With external coupling, two or more software packages run simultaneously while exchanging calculation results at appropriate time intervals.
In the scope of the EU supported project RESHYVENT, the possible integration of Renewable Energy Solutions (RES) into hybrid ventilation systems has been analysed. The focus has been on solar and wind applications to substitute the use of fossil fuel. The feasibility of the investigated options depends on the ventilation concept the RES is integrated into, the location of the building geographically, placement of the RES in the building and on the urban environment.
In this paper EIS (Energy Information System) is first defined, then 4 case studies are presented, one in detail because it is an example of high-end EIS and the other cases are summarized briefly. For all the cases operational practices, costs and benefits are presented.
There is a worldwide trend to develop a tool that can provide comprehensive assessment ofbuildings for sustainability. Many efforts were found to propose approaches for energy-savingand resource-recycling, and on the other hand buildings for sustainability should maintain theacceptable indoor environment quality to maintain the occupants health. This paper presentsa comprehensive index, IEI(AHP), composed of the filtered physical indicators, for quantitativeassessment on the built environment.
The stake of sustainable development is to ensure today's and future developments of awealthy and healthy society in a high quality environment. This is also valid for sustainablebuildings that should take account of environmental, economical and social stakes. Thisincludes, among others, low energy use, good indoor environment quality (IEQ) and health.One of the aims of the European HOPE project is to evaluate buildings from these points ofview.