Hybrid ventilation – the ventilation concept in the future school buildings?

Hybrid ventilation (HV), as a combination of automated natural ventilation (NV) and balanced mechanical ventilation (MV), provides opportunities to use the advantages of both ventilation systems during the seasons in order to reduce energy demand and at the same time obtain comfortable indoor climate.

Airtightness of office and educational buildings in Sweden – Measurements and analyses

The airtightness of office and educational buildings influences energy use and thermal comfort. A leaky building is likely to have a high use of energy and thermal discomfort. The knowledge of real airtightness levels of entire buildings and their impact on the energy use is very low, except for a study carried out in the USA. Therefore two different methods of airtightness testing were applied to six entire Swedish office and educational buildings built since 2000. The first method involves using the ventilation system of the building and the second one to use a number of blower doors.

Can we meet the ventilation required in international standards in an energy efficient way?

Today an acceptable indoor air quality is mainly defined by specifying the required level of ventilation in air changes per hour or the outside air supply rate. This would be equivalent to defining the requirements for thermal comfort by specifying the level of heating or cooling in Watts. The increasing societal need for energy efficiency will often result in very tight buildings. This means that the amount of outside air supplied by infiltration is not enough to provide the required ventilation.

Impacts of airtightening retrofits of ventilation and energy in a manufactured home

A retrofit study was conducted in an unoccupied manufactured house to investigate the impacts of airtightening on ventilation rates and energy consumption. This report describes the retrofits and the results of the pre- and post-retrofit assessment of building airtightness, ventilation, and energy use. Building envelope and air distribution systems airtightness were measured using fan pressurization. Air change rates were measured continuously using the tracer gas decay technique.

A Study on the Hybrid Air-conditioning system Coupled with Radiant Floor Cooling and Ventilation System

In this study, the concept of the Hybrid air-conditioning system utilizing convection and radiation heat exchange will be suggested. In this paper, the heat removal characteristics of Hybrid air-conditioning system will be described by theoretical review and experimental methods. Also the ratio of cooling load removed by Hybrid air-conditioning system could be divided as radiation and convection heat exchanges. The methods could be used to system design of Hybrid air-conditioning system.

Rotary heat exchanger model for control and energy calculations

Rotary heat recovery exchangers are widely used in ventilation systems, and the units are known for their high efficiency and almost maintenance-free operation. Temperature efficiencies above 80% are not uncommon. Performing dynamical analyses of rotary heat exchangers are in many situations advantageous, especially in connection to installation of such equipment in VAV systems. Efficiencies and flows are varying parameters that are crucial for energy calculations, but also for control. The dynamical analysis can effectively be carried out by addressing a dynamical model.

Effect of Party Wall Permeability on Estimations of Infiltration from Air Leakage

The importance of reducing adventitious infiltration in order to save energy is highlighted by the relevant building standards of many countries.  This operational infiltration is often inferred via the measurement of the air leakage rate at a pressure differential of 50 Pascals.  Some building codes, such as the UK’s Standard Assessment Procedure, assume a simple relationship between the air leakage rate and mean infiltration rate during the heating season, the so-called leakage-infiltration ratio, which is scaled to account for the physical and environmental properties of a dwelling.  The

Control of Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Educational Spaces Using Natural Ventilation

This paper reports on research carried out to develop natural ventilation control strategies for densely occupied learning spaces with the intention of improving indoor air quality and heating energy consumption. Investigations were carried out for two test cases according to the characteristics given in CIBSE Guide A (2006) and Building Bulletin (BB) 101 (UK Department for Education, 2006). The performance of these test cases were assessed using dynamic thermal simulation with fixed CO2 set-points, based on which opening dampers are controlled.

A compilation of papers for the Indoor Air 2002 Conference in memory of Joan M. Daisey

This document compiles papers produced by staff and collaborators of the Indoor Environment Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for presentation at the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, to be held June 30 – July 5, 2002 in Monterey, California. The Indoor Air Conference, held every three years, is the largest international conference on indoor air quality and was last held in the United States during 1981.

A priority agenda for energy-related indoor environmental quality research

A multidisciplinary team of IEQ and energy researchers is working together to define a program of priority energy-related IEQ research. This paper describes the methods employed, ten high priority broad research and development (R&D) goals, and 34 high priority R&D project areas linked to these goals.
