A European standard on calculation of the HVAC energy requirement of buildings with room conditioning systems

Describes what could be the requirements of a European standard (not yet numbered) prepared by Technical Committee 156 (Working Group 7) of CEN (European Standardization Committee) about the calculation of energy requirements for buildings with room conditioning systems.

prEN-ISO 13790 - A simplified method to assess the annual heating energy use in buildings

The article presents the scope and content of ISO 13790 standard which is intended to calculate the energy use for space heating of buildings. Information is given about the accuracy of the standard calculation method.

Health, comfort and energy in buildings - an integrated approach.

The indoor environment is by far the most important environment from a health perspective. Allergies, airways infections, lung cancer etc. are associated with indoor air quality (IAQ) in developed countries and they are related to the use of energy for buildings. The main problems related to buildings, energy conservation and health in the developed world concern 'dampness' and inadequate ventilation. It is well established that if there is no 'building dampness' and if the ventilation is adequate then the risk of IAQ-related diseases is low.

Indoor Environmental Quality in Naturally Ventilated Office Buildings and its Impact on their Energy Performance

During the last two decades the significance of indoor environmental quality in buildings has been appreciated, not only in relation to thermal comfort, but also to indoor air quality. Ventilation is an important tool for securing both a good indoor climate and air quality. However, in buildings without mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems (which comprise the majority in most European countries) natural ventilation presents the only means to satisfy indoor air quality needs.

An engineering approach to ventilation system design.


Thermal comfort: use of controls in naturally ventilated buildings.

A field study of the thermal comfort of workers in natural ventilated office buildings in Oxford and Aberdeen, UK, was carried out which included information about use of building controls. The data were analysed to explore that what effect the outdoor temperature has on the indoor temperature and how this is affected by occupants' use of environmental controls during the peak summer (June-August). The proportion of subjects using a control was related to indoor and outdoor temperatures to demonstrate the size of the effect.

Indoor environment quality in buildings and its impact on outdoor environment.

The main purpose of buildings is to provide a comfortable living environment for their occupants. This includes, among others, thermal,visual and acoustic comfort as well as indoor air quality. Except during the 1950's and 1960's, it has always been considered important that an excess use of energy should be avoided in the construction and the management of a building, sometimes even at the cost of user comfort. Energy saving is, however, not the main purpose of the building.

Key world energy statistics from the IEA. 1999 Edition.

Pocket sized summary of key energy data. Contains timely, clearly presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources.

Thermal and ventilation modelling of large highly-glazed spaces.

Highly-glazed spaces are attractive in many ways (solar heating, aesthetics, etc.), however, their thermal behaviour remains difficult to predict. In such spaces, the assumptions or methods generally used in building thermal simulation tools - e.g. homogeneous air temperature in the room, simplified calculations of radiative heat transfer between walls, absence of airflow modelling within the room - do not seem appropriate. We have developed a new model (AIRGLAZE) to improve the prediction of the thermal behaviour of large highly glazed spaces.

Hybrid ventilation of Canadian non domestic buildings: a procedure for assessing IAQ, comfort and energy conservation.

Environmental and economic concerns linked to conventional heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HY AC) have sparked a renewed interest in natural ventilation, passive cooling and other low energy microclimate control strategies for buildings. In Canada, the combination of extreme weather conditions, wind variability, transient occupancy patterns and high internal heat gains may hinder the feasibility of implementing natural ventilation as an exclusive means of ventilating non-domestic buildings.
