This paper investigates the thermal effect of ceiling-mounted light fixtures for a displacement ventilation system. The influence of fluorescent lainps on a ceiling is examined by computational fluid dynamics and experimental methods.
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Study the Thermal Effect of Ceiling-mounted Light Fixturesfor a Displacement Ventilation System | 2008 | English
Comparison of Physical and Psychological Aspects of Light and Heat Radiation Brought by Daylighting | 2008 | English
This paper describes the merit of daylighting bycomparing the physical and psychologicalaspects of light and heat radiation.
Experimental study was conducted onimproving air-conditioners' energy efficiencyusing hydroponic roof plants. The air-coolingeffect caused by the solar-shading andtranspiration of hydroponic-cultivated sweatpotato was measured.
Condensation and mold growth risks on interior surface of a corner wall in anapartment | 2008 | English
The paper presents the results of mold growthrislzs in a corner wall near an entrance door inan apartment house. The corner wall isrecognized as a trouble spot for condensationand mold risk in apartment buildings.
Air tightness is an important property ofbuilding envelopes. It is a key factor indetermining infiltration and related wallperformanceproperties such as indoor airquality, maintainability and moisturebalance. Air leakage in U.S.
Thermal and Air Quality Environment in Elementary SchoolClassrooms Equipped with Air-Conditioning System for Cooling | 2008 | English
An investigation was performed in a middle-corridor-type elementary school in Tolcyo, Japan, equipped with an air-conditioning system for cooling.Temperatures and C02 concentrations weremeasured in classrooms, corridors and outdoors.Visual inspect
Experimental Investigations of the Turbulent Mixing Process and theReynolds-Stress Anisotropy Tensor in Ventilated Rooms | 2008 | English
In the past various experimental investigationsabout room airflows were published.
A roof is one of the most importantcharacteristics of Thai architecture especiallyin a house, traditionally. Also, the roof is apart of the house that mainly effects energysaving due to heat allowance pass through andrelease from indoor space.
According to the definition, passive houses inEurope meet a target energy demand for heatingof less than 15 kWh per square meter and peryear.
Comparison of imagined and real behaviors in relation to active coolingmethods under Japanese summer conditions | 2008 | English
Recently post-occupancy evaluation is oftenused to know the actual performance of socalledenergy saving building components andto compare with simulated performance. Inreality, the occupants choice how to achievecomfortable conditions, e.g.
The author had participated IEAIECBCS Annexprojects since 1987, starting from Annex 16 forBEMS, ending at Annex 40 for Commissioning.I used to recognize how this line of continualset-up of subjects to optimize HVAC design andmaintenance through sy
Energy Consumption Pattern in Commercial Buildings to Be Used for Assessing Various Community Energy Systems | 2008 | English
It is believed that one method of maltingeffective use of energy is the sharing ofhydrogen energy or heat and electricityproduced by cogeneration systems at multiplefacilities in the community.
Study on evaluation of ventilation effectiveness of occupied space in smokingroom with the highly-efficient ventilation system | 2008 | English
An investigation to understand the actual conditionsof smoking spaces was conducted, and itbecame clear that the introduction of a highlyefficientventilation system is necessary, in additionto the securing of a sufficient ventilationvolume.
Experimental Study on Thermal Cognition Developed through DailyExperience in the Built Environment during Summer Seasons | 2008 | English
This paper discusses whether there is thermalcognition acquired through daily experience inthe built environment during summer seasons.For this purpose, we analysed the results of asubjective experiment to reveal the relationshipbetween subjective
Buildings are a man-made environment built innature.
Energy consumed in the Canadian residential sector for space cooling has more than doubled from 1990 to 2002. Cooling requirements, expressed by cooling degree-days have also increased.
A push-pull fume cupboard is a device to capture chemical vapors in a laboratory or a factory.
Conventional air-conditioning control in a roomassumes perfect diffusion of temperature in theroom, and relies on a temperature sensorinstalled on the wall or ceiling of the room, or inthe return duct.
This paper presents a design method to definethe settings of HVAC systems in order toprovide thermal comfort in high MRTenvironment in hot climates.
The holistic aim of this study is to make clearthe possibility of passive cooling systems usingnatural cool sources produced by cyclic weatherchanges. Here in this study, we focused on apossible use of rainwater for cooling.