
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In the United States, compartmentalization measurement of individual unit total leakage is the most common method of air leakage testing multifamily buildings.
David Bohac,, Collin Olson, Gary Nelson, Bob Davis
Clean air heat pump (CAHP) is a new technology that combines air cleaning with hygro-thermal control of ventilation air. In CAHP, a regenerative desiccant wheel is used for moisture control and air cleaning.
Ying Sheng, Lei Fang
The overall objective of the IEA EBC Annex 68” Project, “Indoor Air Quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings”, has been to develop the fundamental basis for optimal design and control strategies for good In
Carsten Rode, Marc Abadie, Pawel Wargocki, Menghao Qin, John Grunewald, Jianshun Zhang, Jakub Kolarik, Jelle Laverge, Fitsum Tariku
Particulate matter (PM) is one of the most critical pollutants affecting indoor air quality (IAQ). Hence, reducing the exposure of occupants to indoor PM pollution is critical.
Jesús Marval, Luis Medina, Juan Vallejo, Paolo Tronville
As the industry shifts focus from indoor air quality (IAQ) to indoor environmental quality (IEQ), the need arises for its field consultants and inspectors to meet the demands of assessment, evaluation and control, particularly in established build
Alex Reese Mavrelis, John Earman
Today, more than 26 million European children are living in unhealthy homes putting them at higher risk of experiencing health problems.
Daniel Gehrt, Sune Tobias Grollov, Marco Hafner, Jens Christoffersen
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is influenced by several parameters and the sources of indoor air pollutants are numerous (building materials, occupant behavior, HVAC systems, Outdoor air, etc.).
Mohsen Pourkiaei, Claudia Falzone, Anne-Claude Romain
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) inactivates viral aerosols in indoor environments. Upper room UVGI systems use wall or ceiling mounted fixtures to create a disinfection zone above the occupied zone.
Youngbo Won, Donghyun Rim, Richard Mistrick, William Bahnfleth
Nowadays, many countries include requirements for building airtightness in their current national regulations or energy-efficiency programs, mainly for concern about reducing building energy consumption due to air leakage.
Adeline Mélois, Mohamed El Mankibi, François Rémi Carrié, Bassam Moujalled
Air leakage in a rotary heat recovery device in air handling unit (AHU) was studied by a laboratory experiment.
Lei Fang, Bjarne W. Olesen, Henning Grønbæk, Daniel Kampgaard Munck
In order to reduce the primary energy consumption of buildings, highly efficient heat recovery of the HVAC system is indispensable.
Ralf Wagner, Inga Rathert, Michael Meister
Trends in home heating and cooling in the US are resulting in less mixing of air within dwellings, either due to not using central forced air systems, or to reduced loads and runtimes in high performance homes.
Iain Walker, Brennan Less, David Lorenzetti, Michael Sohn
Powerhouse Telemark is a low carbon plus energy project in Porsgrunn, Norway. The building is currently in a commissioning phase, but with most of the building under normal operation.
Tor Helge Dokka, DrIng Niels Lassen, Thomas Johnsen, Helge Koppang
Our planet is rapidly urbanizing, leading to significant biodiversity loss.
Christina Ciardullo, Andreas Theodoridis, Phoebe Mankeiwitz, Mohamed Aly Etman, Anna Dyson
Indoor air quality (IAQ) plays an intrinsic role in occupant comfort, and should be evaluated as a key building performance indicator of early design phases.
Jan Drzymalla, Jannick Höper, Sven Eckers, Sebastian Theißen, Michaela Lambertz, Andreas Henne
Unintended airflow through building envelopes leads to an increased demand in heating and cooling energy.
Benedikt Kölsch, Björn Schiricke, Eckhard Lüpfert, Bernhard Hoffschmidt
Recently, understanding thermal comfort management enabled the scientific community to broaden its research towards smart device set-ups, in order to further reduce energy consumption and thermal comfort satisfaction.
Leonidas Zouloumis, Giorgos Panaras
Industrial kitchens have high HVAC load requirements due to high exhaust rates from hoods. Especially in cold climates to heat the makeup air in winter requires high initial and - more importantly - high operating costs.
A.Tayfun Sümbül, Faruk Çimen
Many recent studies have been reported that the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can spread through an airborne transmission route.
Yunchen Bu, Ryozo Ooka, Hideki Kikumoto, Wonseok Oh
The ongoing covid-19 pandemic has drawn the attention on the importance of providing adequate fresh air to the occupants of the built environment, in particular in educational buildings.
Riccardo Albertin, Giovanni Pernigotto, Andrea Gasparella
