
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In France, the regulation context for ventilation is based on the decree « Arreté de 1982 » which is a prescriptive regulation, requiring extracted flowrate in every utility room.
Valérie Leprince, Baptiste Poirier
In recent years, the adoption of water-based radiant ceiling cooling systems has been increasing in Japan with the aim of realizing comfort and energy savings.
Rio Matsumoto, Jianan Liu, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Fujio Tamura, Daiki Yamashina, Masahiro Yamamoto, Sae Senda
Efforts must be made to promote the use of efficient ventilation systems in buildings with the aim of reducing energy demand, as ventilation is a major source of energy loss.
Pilar Linares-Alemparte, Sonia García-Ortega
Ensuring thermal comfort in air traffic control towers (ATCTs) is paramount, given the exacting demands of air traffic control, which require heightened levels of concentration and vigilance.
Bassam Moujalled, Fabrice Richieri, Adeline Mollard, Mathilde Hostein
Building airtightness is of foremost importance because of its impact on global energy consumption, but also on occupant’s comfort, dimensioning of ventilation systems, hygrothermal behaviour, fire safety, etc.
Martin Prignon, Christophe Delmotte, Benedikt Kölsch
Ventilative cooling is a free cooling methodology, harnessing the cooling potential of the outdoor air to remove excess heat, without the use of thermodynamic process, thereby saving valuable cooling energy in buildings.
Christoffer Plesner, Jannick K. Roth
Indoor inhalation exposure can be minimized through mechanical ventilation. On the other hand, building and mechanical ventilation design remain as the main sources of energy consumption.
Alicia Murga, Haruki Nakagawa, Rahul Bale, Makoto Tsubokura
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is increasingly accepted as a leading factor in human health, and the ventilation of our indoor spaces is a key modifier of IAQ as the principal means by which indoor pollutants are diluted.
Joshua Finneran, Henry C Burridge
Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is a leading cause of lung cancer and has the potential to increase significantly due to current renovation strategies.
Mohsen Pourkiaei, Miriam Byrne, Patrick Murphy, James A. McGrath
The objective of this study is to assess the ability to mitigate the airborne particle concentration in a mechanically ventilated meeting room with stand-alone air cleaners (ACs) as function of the amount and type of devices, th
Mirela Robitu, Alain Ginestet, Benoît Golaz, Dominique Pugnet, Lionel Boiteux, Jean-Marc Thiebaut
The WTA-Leaflets (International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation", (WTA)) provide recommendations on how a defined quality of building airtightness can be achieved when re
Stefanie Rolfsmeier
The DURABILITAIR project, conducted from 2016 to 2019, aimed to assess the durability of air sealing products used in building envelopes.
Andrés Litvak, Eddy Handschoewercker Sylvain Berthault, Romain Mathieu
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #49 discusses resilient cooling of buildings, as defined by IEA EBC Annex 80.  The VIP paper examines 4 groups of resili
Peter Holzer, Philipp Stern, Patryk Czarnecki
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #48.1 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building ventilation requirements and inspection in Spain. More specifically, the paper aims to cover the following national trends:
Pilar Linares-Alemparte, Sonia García-Ortega, Fernando Feldman, Amelia Romero-Fernández, Marta Sorribes-Gil, Rafael Villar-Burke
The current trend in most Western countries regarding building ventilation is to follow the “build tight, ventilate right” strategy.
Nolwenn Hurel, Valerie Leprince
This report documents all key performance indicators (KPI)s developed in the framework of Annex 80, relevant for the Annex 80 deliverables. Their application may be more precisely defined in the guidelines of specific task groups or Subtasks of An
Peter Holzer, et al.
This report summarizes the structure and the outcomes of Annex 80 – Resilient Cooling of Build-ings, which was conducted as a five-year international research project within the IEA Technical Collaboration Programme EBC – Energy in Buildings and C
Peter Holzer, et al.
This IEA Annex 80 Subtask C report and the associated brochures provide examples of well-documented field studies.
Dahai Qi, et al.
