
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

Describes a research project undertaken at the Building Research Station to measure wind pressures on the G.P.O. tower, London, and dynamic strains in the tower shaft.
Eaton K.J. Mayne J.R.
Outlines the principles of infrared thermography and describes the equipment. Reports investigation at the National Swedish Institute for Material Testing into the use of thermography.
Paljak I.
This draft gives provisional recommendations for performance requirements for windows. Gives grades of exposure, speed correction factors for ground roughness and height above ground level.
Infiltration and its effects, measurements, calculations, and typical values are presented and discussed.
Describes a diagram from which heat losses due to infiltration according to German standard DIN 4701 can be obtained, as well as rate of air infiltration per unit length of crack.
Preussker H.
Presents calculations of mean temperatures and relative humidities , shown graphically for three typical housing types assuming different heat and moisture inputs: 1) whole house uniformly heated with moisture from household activities uniformly d
Loudon A.G.
Full scale measurements were made of wind pressures on the 177m high post office tower, London. The variation of pressure with height was studied from recordings made at nine different levels between 49m and 168m above ground level.
Newberry, C.W. Eaton, K.J. Mayne, J.R.
Describes method for simulating natural wind boundary layer in a conventional, short working section, aeronautical wind tunnel.
Standen N.M. Dalgliesh W.A. Templin R.J.
Reviews means of rain water penetration and how to apply one-stage weather proofing listing the disadvantages.
Reijnierse P.C.
Examines the use of radioisotope tracers to measure ventilation rates of simple and multiple enclosures. Discusses accuracy of the methods in relation to results obtained in an experimental room with controlled ventilation.
Evans G.V. Webb J.W.
Describes the philosophy and formulation of the simple and detailed procedures for wind loading of the Canadian National Building Code of 1970.
Davenport A.G. Dalgliesh W.A.
Known principles for the prevention of rain penetration and air leakage are not being applied in practice.
Garden G.K.
Describes apparatus and test method used for measuring air leakage through metal windows in the laboratory. Gives results for different types of windows and summarises air tightness standards in Japan and other countries.
Shoda T. Terasawa T. Katayama T.
Reports measurements of air pollutants inside and outside three pairs of structures for different seasons of the year. Four pollutants were measured, suspended particulate, soiling particulate, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide.
Yocom J.E. Clink W.L. Cote W.A.
Presents results of a survey of natural infiltration rates in 2 identical modern homes-one gas fuelled and one electric-over aperiod of a year.
Elkins R.H. Wensman C.E.
Discusses the effect of wind on air change rates in buildings. Reports series of model tests conducted in a water flume and a wind tunnel.
Malinowski H.K.
Reports experiments carried out in a wind tunnel on two kinds of two-dimensional roughness arrays and on one array of three-dimensional roughness with a turbulent boundary layer growing over the arrays.
Joubert P.N. Perry A.E. Stevens L.K.
Reports an investigation of wind loading with emphasis on the local pressure fluctuations, on a small scale building model in a thick turbulent boundary layer wind tunnel.
Cermak J.E. Sadeh W.Z.
