
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

Reports environmental background radiation exposure measurements made in approximately 100 residences in the vicinity of Livermore, California showing variations in annual exposure from 52 to 130 mr.
Lindeken C.L. Jones D.E. McMillen R.E.
Surveys published ventilation rates, primarily of single housing units. Finds helium is the most commonly used tracer gas and that average annual ventilation rate of most occupied houses is between O.5 and 1.5 air changes per. hour.
Handley T.H. Barton C.J.
Data has been obtained on the radon concentration in natural gas supplied to several metropolitan areas in the United States.
Barton C.J. Moore R.E. Rohwer P.S.
An earlier paper gave the flow to be expected through an open door from theoretical considerations. Describes model tests designed to check these theoretical predictions.
Bouwman H.B.
Reports measurements of radon daughters in air. The daughters were collected on filters for different lengths of time. A silicon semiconductor detector and the etch foil technique were used to measure the alpha particles from the radon daughters.
Wachsmann F. David J.
One of a series of investigations of the improper functioning of ventilation and smoke stacks.
Van Dalen H.
The adiabatic boundary layer appropriate to flow over an idealised urban terrain has been simulated using a modified version of the system previously used to produce a rural boundary layer simulation.
Counihan, J.;
One important factor in the spread of airborne infection must be the movement of the air itself i.e. the ventilation, although an exact correlation of it with the risk of infection has yet to be found.
Foord, N.;
Surveys existing studies of natural ventilation which are of two types; full scale studies of small domestic buildings and analogue studies, mainly electronic digital analogues.
Bilsborrow R.E.
Presents results obtained from a digital analogue method of calculating infiltration rates in building. The results are compared with a set of full-scale observations carried out by G.T.Tamura and A.G. Wilson. (abstract no.192).
Bilsborrow R.E.
Reviews current status of research in North and South America relevant to the prediction of tall building behaviour in response to wind.
Dalgliesh W.A. Marshall R.D.
Summarizes previous work on natural background radiation levels and reports some new data from Boston Mass.
Yeates D.B. Goldin A.S. Moeller D.W.
Many aspects of window performance cannot be adequately predicted from basic principles, hence a number of standard tests are evolving for evaluation of some of the primary ones. The tests are widely used in product standards, along with
Wilson, A. G.; Sasaki, J. R.;
Presents calculation principles and results of investigation into air infiltrating into a high rise building, based upon assumed equality of pressures on staircases and in the rooms halfway up the building.
Maszcynski E.
Discusses the principles involved in measuring air change rates using tracers and gives the theory. Outlines the preparation of the tracer and the test procedure in stables.
Gottling K. Domber H. Hilleger H. Vogg H.
Describes study and operating principles of device allowing a window (or more usually a light-weight cladding unit) to be placed in variable temperature conditions simulating actual summer and winter conditions, in order to determine the airtightn
Fleury G. Thomas M.
