Reports findings of investigations carried out by West German Federal Ministry of Health in July 1978 into the internal climate in the one third of the rooms in a representative West Berlin school which are located in the building core. These rooms have mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting. Gives results of measurements of room temperatures, air change rates, (measured using N2O as a tracer gas), concentration of carbon dioxide and acoustic performance of the rooms. Notes generally satisfactory results with exceptions of spread of odours via ceiling voids and leaky construction; and unsatisfactory noise levels. Discusses importance of correct artificial lighting for rooms with no natural lights.
Study of the internal climate in selected rooms of a Berlin school. Studie uber raumklimatische Umbegungsbedingungen in ausgewahlten Raumen eines Berliner Mittelstufenzentrums.

Bibliographic info:
Gesundh.Ing July 1979 vol.100 no.7 p202-205