During winter periods in four types of newly built terraced dwellings and in apartments of a flatbuilding,the daily behaviour and motivations of the inhabitants with respect to airing and ventilation have been studied. In total the information was obtained from 279 households. A combination of verbal interviews, diaries and technical measurements are used as methods of investigation. On basis of the findings,calculations can be made about air flows in occupied dwellings. The results of these calculations can be related to indoor climate problems with smoke, smell, damp, air flows and temperature. A large number of factors are found which determine the behaviour. Because most of the behavioural factors can hardly be influenced, it is recommended to look for better technological solutions. Since it appeared that most problems of indoor climate are not caused by deviant patterns of behaviour, these technological solutions ought to be adapted to the standard behaviour patterns and wishes of the inhabitants.
Inhabitants' behaviour with respect to ventilation.

Bibliographic info:
7th AIVC Conference "Occupant interaction with ventilation systems" Stratford on Avon, UK, 29 September - 2 October 1986