Reports measurements of indoor air quality in an air conditioned California High School over a range of ventilation rates, ranging from 13.3 cu.ft. of outside air per minute for each classroom occupant to approximately 1.5 cfm per occupant. Parameters measured include outside air supply rate, theoccupants' perception of indoor air quality, microbial burden, concentration of CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, O3 in two classrooms, a hall and outdoors. Finds CO2 was the only parameter to show a substantial increase at reduced ventilation rates, but classroom levels of CO2 were below the level considered to be a health hazard. Suggests moderate energy savings are possible by a reduction in ventilation without significant deterioration in air quality.
The effects of energy efficient ventilation rates on indoor air quality at a California High School.

Bibliographic info:
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory report LBL-9174 July 1979