The article describes the influence of the supply air devices that are part of hybrid ventilation system which is being developed within a EU funded project RESHYVENT as a part of this project, on thermal comfort in living-room of a three-bedroom apartment. The supply air radiator and the supply air convector are compared. The fresh air is sucked through a supply air convector and supply air radiator respectively and the air leakage through the facade is assumed too. 2 variants, which cover different outdoor temperature and supply air temperature for each device, have been solved. The main difference between them is the direction of the incoming air. Supply air radiator is like a classical radiator, outdoor air comes through the radiator, warms up and enters the room vertically. Supply air convector is stand-alone device with heat exchanger to preheat the entering air and with a back draft damper and a wind damper. In this case the outdoor air enters the room horizontally. The CFD model of the room was created and solved using the commercial code STAR-CD. Based on temperature and velocity fields, draft risk was calculated according prEN 13799:2003_01 in the occupation zone as a parameter for thermal comfort specification.
Draft risk simulation in a room with air transfer device

Bibliographic info:
25th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and retrofitting", Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 September 2004