Low energy buildings are highly insulated and airtight and therefore subject to overheating risks, where Ventilative Cooling (VC) could be a relevant solution in both existing and new buildings - being both a sustainable and energy efficient solution to improve indoor well-being, hereunder thermal comfort (State-of-the-art-review, Kolokotroni et al., 2015).
VC is widely used as a key element when designing buildings to cope with overheating to assist improving thermal comfort, but can also improve the Indoor Air Quality due to higher ventilation rates in the cooling season.
VC technologies have the potential to be an effective measure to reduce the energy use in buildings, by meeting some or all of the cooling requirement of a building without the need for an active cooling system (e.g. mechanical cooling). The design of a VC system plays a significant role in the success and here fair and proper implementation of VC methods in standards, guidelines and legislation are becoming more important to enhance a proper design with a corresponding good performance.
In terms of building design, the responsiveness of a building not only includes good thermal comfort, but also resiliency and an ability to cope with the environmental impact of a certain technical solution. Amongst other things, the resilience aspect is important to include in future standards and legislation on this topic, e.g. evaluating what happens to the thermal comfort if there is a power outage.
There has generally been lacking proper ventilative cooling design integration in existing European standards and legislation and therefore New projects have started up under international standardization committees, CEN and ISO namely; CEN/TC 156 and ISO/TC 205.
Design procedures for ventilative cooling integrated in new standards

Languages: English | Pages: 4 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023