Where residential developments rely on opening windows to control overheating, there can be a compromise between allowing excessive noise ingress with windows open, or excessive temperatures with windows closed. This problem is exacerbated by the move towards better insulated, more airtight buildings and the need, particularly in urban areas, to consider development on noisier sites. A working group has been formed by the Association of Noise Consultants to provide guidance on acoustic conditions and design when considering both the provision of ventilation and prevention of overheating. The guidance produced by the group aims to clarify the relevant definitions of ventilation and overheating, give quantitative guidance as to how to assess internal noise levels and provide examples of acoustic design solutions. This paper discusses the development and contents of the guide and presents practical methods available to provide ventilation which controls overheating and noise levels without the need to introduce mechanical cooling systems. Case studies of projects include passive ventilation systems using attenuated façade vents and methods of using balconies to reduce noise levels incident on open windows.
Challenges of using passive ventilation to control the overheating of dwellings in noisy environments
Languages: English | Pages: 13 pp
Bibliographic info:
38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings", Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017