Buildings Special Issue on "Research on the Airtightness of Buildings" open for submission

A special issue of Buildings (ISSN 2075-5309)  is now open for submission.

This Special Issue is motivated by the importance of the airtightness of buildings in terms of indoor air quality and the energy implications of heat transfer. Currently, it is not possible to design and construct nZEB buildings without taking this parameter into account, and it is essential that we can determine this parameter in buildings to be renovated in order to achieve a significant improvement in their final energy consumption. 


Energy & Buildings special issue: “Resilient Ventilation in Relation to Health, Safety, and Climate Change”

We are happy to inform you that the Energy and Buildings special issue: “Resilient Ventilation in Relation to Health, Safety, and Climate Change”, including also further developed papers from the AIVC 2022 conference, has been published.


Breathing: A New High Efficient Ventilation Concept for Non-residential Buildings

In order to reduce the primary energy consumption of buildings, highly efficient heat recovery of the HVAC system is indispensable. A reduction of the fresh air rate is not advisable; Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is essential for the health and wellbeing of the user. In order to nullify the additional pressure loss of the heat recovery unit a mechanical ventilation system is needed.

Ventilation Benefits when Using Radiative Cooling Material in High Ambient Temperature Countries

Cooling in high ambient temperature (HAT) countries is a major energy consumer. In Kuwait, 70% of the electricity generated is consumed on cooling residential and commercial buildings. Because of the extreme temperatures in the summer, which can reach 50℃, outdoor fresh air vents are closed because AC units are incapable of cooling air at such elevated temperatures. Consequently, this has significantly reduced indoor air quality (IAQ) in residential and commercial buildings for indoor occupants.

Development of Performance-Based Assessment Methods for Conventional and Smart Ventilation in Residential Buildings

In future building regulations, building performance is going to be extended to global performance, including indoor air quality (IAQ). In the energy performance (EP) field, successive regulations pushed for a "performance-based" approach, based on an energy consumption requirement at the design stage. Nevertheless, ventilation regulations throughout the world are still mostly based on prescriptive approaches, setting airflows requirements.

Simulating Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality of Non-domestic Environments in London Schools: A Building-based Bottom-up Approach

In the UK, people spend over 90% of a day indoors. On weekdays, when outdoor air pollution concentrations peak in the morning and in the late afternoon, people are usually either in non-domestic premises or on their way to/from non-domestic premises. Therefore, establishing the distributions of indoor air pollutant concentrations in non-domestic environments is essential to model human exposure to hazardous air pollution, especially for vulnerable populations, such as schoolchildren or patients in hospitals.

Ventilation and Indoor Thermal Environment in Air-Conditioned Rooms with Open Windows in Winter

Under the influence of biological hazards including COVID-19, it is required sufficient ventilation to decrease the infection risk in the indoor area. In particular, the natural ventilation with window opening is recommended in rooms with inadequate ventilation. However, the ventilation rate, energy loss, and indoor thermal environment with window opening in air-conditioned room varies hourly with given environment. In addition, opening windows in winter causes serious problems such as deterioration of the indoor thermal environment and reduction of absolute humidity.

Indoor Air, Ventilation and comfoRt in Irish Domestic dwellings post DEep Energy reNovations-ARDEN

Deep Energy renovation (DER) adopts a whole building approach and achieves much larger energy savings than shallow energy renovations that typically only included a small number (one or two) of upgrade measures. DER includes the installation of high levels of insulation, uses renewable energy technologies and minimises uncontrolled air leakage by achieving air permeability levels no greater than 5 m3/h.m2 to achieve building energy ratings (BER) of at least A3.

Ventilation for Energy Efficiency and Improved Indoor Air Quality in University Classrooms

This paper reports preliminary analysis from a large field study of 100 university classrooms in Central Texas. Lecture classrooms and auditoriums were sampled for three consecutive weekdays in the 2019 – 2020 academic year. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, used as a marker for both ventilation and exposure, and temperature were measured in the general room area and when able, the supply airstream. HVAC control data that relates to ventilation was also saved for comparison.

Balancing Reductions in Exposure to VOCs and their Secondary Products Indoors vs. the Infiltration of Outdoor Pollutants

Ventilation and source control (e.g. using low volatile organic compound (VOC) emitting materials) are two recommended approaches to control indoor air pollution and VOC’s in particular. Decisions on how to minimize exposure can be supported by indoor air chemistry modeling, since the relationships between VOC’s, their precursors, and building ventilation is so complex. For example, modeling could be used to examine the impact of altering building ventilation.
