Outdoor testing of small scale naturally ventilated models.

Proposes a new experimental technique for investigating the natural ventilation potential of new building designs. The method tests scale models of ventilated buildings outdoors in the natural wind. Results from this method agree closely with data from a similar full-scale building. Discusses use of this method by building designers.

Development of a thermal design tool.

Describes a computer program, Harmon, developed for the simulation of the thermal response of buildings (based on BRE's "admittance procedure") which can be used on mini-computers and utilized at the sketch design stage for the comparative evaluation of alternative designs. Gives an account of the validation exercises completed and outlines further intended refinements.

The impact of ventilation rates on the design of office buildings.

Reports on a study conducted to determine the impact of different ventilation rates on office building energy use, first cost, and peak electrical demand. Uses the DOE-2.1 computer program to simulate an energy-efficient office building in 5 cit

Effective wind loads on flat roofs

An experimental investigation of wind-induced pressure loads acting on two square-plan flat-roofed model structures (50ft and 225ft high in full scale) is described. Measurements of mean, peak and root mean square pressures acting on points and over larger roof areas have been made in turbulent boundary layer flow simulating wind over urban and open country terrains. Area loads on the roofs have been measured both by a pneumatic-averaging technique, and by using a large flush-diaphragm transducer.

Building energy use compilation and analysis (BECA): An international comparison and critical review. Part A: New residential buildings.

The potential for energy consevation in space heating of new residential buildings is characterized using results from computer analysis, and from a survey of low-energy houses. Simulations of the energy requirements of a proto-type house in the USA at different levels of conservation show that much higher levels of conservation then those presently employed in new houses result in minimum life-cycle costs.

Air distribution in buildings Luftfordeling i lokaler

Discusses difficulties inherent in multiplexity of full-scale trials and the use of EDP simulation in models. Considers the measurement of low air movement velocities using different types of anemometers and field trials in lecture rooms and open-plan offices. Reports on studies into ventilation efficiency and full scale trials. Reviews International Institute of Refrigeration Congress held in Essen September 1981.

Simplified heating and cooling energy analysis calculations for residential applications.

Demonstrates a simplified energy calculation procedure (suitable for a handheld calculator) developed for the evaluation of home retrofitting with respect to energy conservation. 

Tracer gas measurement. Spargasmatuing

Describes a variation of the conventional tracer gas measurement technique for measuring air change rates. Gives theoretical analysis of measurement results simulated with a computer for a complex system of six rooms where natural ventilation is measured in one case and fan-arrested ventilation in thesecond. Results from computer simulation are a measure of fresh air ventilation and not of a room's total air change rate. Diagrams illustrate assumed distribution under both conditions.

The design of spires for wind simulation.

A short note giving formulae for the design of spires for use in simulating the planetary boundary layer. Gives expressions for the height and base length of triangular spires which will produce given values of the boundary layer thickness and power-law exponent. Gives comparisons of calculated values with experimental data.

Model studies of wind effects - a perspective on the problems of experimental technique and instrumentation.

Gives a brief historical review of the development of wind engineering as a discipline. Discusses the simulation of wind loads on buildings, the development of boundary layer wind tunnels and problems in modelling the natural wind. Describes modelling of the aerolastic behaviour of buildings andof stack gas diffusion. Describes instrumentation and measurement techniques. Indicates areas requiring further development.
