This report discusses the extension of an infiltration predicting technique to the prediction of interroom air movements. The airflow through openings is computed from the ASHRAE crack method together with a mass balance in each room. Simulta
Describes a new procedure for predicting the thermal comfort of people in naturally ventilated buildings. The procedure starts by obtaining, for each important wind direction, velocity ratios between points of interest inside the proposed bu
This paper presents a mathematical model, implemented in a general computer code, that can provide detailed information on the velocity and temperature fields prevailing in three-dimensional buildings of any geometrical complexity, for a given v
Presents a simplified method for estimating heat consumption in buildings. The basis of the method are presented, along with an example of how to apply it. The method requires climatic data in a specific form and the way to calculate this is also discussed. Finally, gives some comparisons between results from this method and detailed computer simulations.
Develops a model apartment building based upon existing surveys of such buildings and computer simulations carried out to determine the independent effects of climate and size on its energy consumption. The Meriwether Energy System Analysis program used has previously been calibrated by simulating four existing buildings of known energy consumption. From these results, develops data which enables a norm to be derived from the energy consumption of any high rise apartment building at any location in Canada.
Commercial building energy analyses may be used for new building design, energy end use forecasting and energy audit calculations. Many building simulation programs, such as DOE 2.1A or BLAST, are quite complex and must berun by specialists on main frame computers. A simplified method of commercial building energy analysis has been developed and utilises a database of previous DOE 2.1A simulations to predict the outcome of other simulations. Applies this method to an office building in one climate region and finds that it predicts heating, cooling, and total energy use very accurately.
Investigates the energy performance of a two storey occupied gas heated house in Ontario Canada by means of steady state and dynamic analyses of measured data. Experimental results were obtained from a monitoring study done on an hourly basis.
Describes a detailed simulation program for estimating heat loads and room air temperatures of a residential building. Sets out the algorithms and the example simulation of a house by the program. As room surface temperaures and natural ventilation are important factors in considering the thermal environment and the heat load of the room, they are treated more rigorously than in a previously developed program.
The Fanger Comfort Equation is coupled to a building simulation model. Discusses some factors related to thermal comfort. Incorporates variables influencing comfort as subroutines in the main thermal analysis program. If the temperature calculated is significantly different from the prevailing air temperature, amelioration measures such as changes in the rate of ventilation (natural or mechanical) or conditioning of air are determined by thesubroutine CONAIR.
Develops and tests a low-cost computer-assisted diagnostic package to supply the architect and engineer with key information and understanding of the energy use, balance and resulting saving potential of existing and new buildings. The energy balance is shown in a standard graph. Heat losses are calculated in oil equivalent. The program has its own database for typical thermal performance values of different building types and meteorological data of 26 sites within Switzerland.