This paper describes the results of a collaboration study between ENTPE-LASH and LEPTAB within the framework of the IEA Annex 35 “Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Buildings”. The aim of the work is to carry out a cross-simulation study and identi
This paper presents the behaviour of a thermal plume combine with a forced ventilation. A method to locate the position of the thermocline in a ventilated room is shown. It also gives and compares the results obtained by means of a solutal simulation on an hydraulic model and from full-scale experiments in a climatic chamber.
A model of an UFAD system in a ventilated room is proposed , the room is ventilated with one heat source and one cooling vent as a two-layer stratification.
States that most whole building thermal modelling computer programs use simplified, one-dimensional, parallel path descriptions of the building envelope, which may generate serious errors in building load estimation for several structural and material configurations of building envelope components which have high thermal mass and/or two- and three dimensional thermal bridges.
This research is based upon an examination of the natural cooling of the large reading room of the Bernardini(tm) Library in Lecce, Italy. The library is contained in an old building which is currently under restoration. Both indoor and outdoor temperatures as well as relative humidity were monitored, so that the most appropriate system to cool the library's large reading room in summer could be selected. The external walls were endoscopically investigated. Air is supplied by a displacement ventilation system and a system of buried pipes has been designed.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of mechanically driven night ventilation in a small bakery shop by looking at the indoor temperature reduction and energy savings produced by the reduction of the cooling load of air conditioning systems. The results from simulations using a validated model based on the TRNSYS simulation environment demonstrate that night time ventilation can reduce peak daytime temperatures in shops without air conditioning. Where a shop has air conditioning, ventilation at night can reduce the cooling load of the air conditioning system.
This paper justifies the need for an integrated approach to building performance assessment and provides examples of the technical appraisals that may then be enabled. The contention is that the use of design tools which focus on a single domain will result in sub-optimum design solutions in terms of indoor air quality, occupant comfort, energy use and environmental impact.
In this paper, the distribution features air-conditioning temperature field are discussed with numerical simulation methods for semi-opening large space building. Important influential factors, such as ambient air parameters space characteristics of semi-opening large space building and the method and parameters of air distributing, are presented.
Multizone modelling is a way to determine the air flows in a complex ventilated building subject to internal and external loads. The purpose of this work is to consider and quantify the influence of randomness in the load parameters, which is accomplished by means of a stochastic multizone model. In the first place a deterministic multizone model is applied. The model is capable of predicting air flow and pressure distribution within a building divided into an arbitrary number of zones and flow paths. The air flow is driven by pressure differences due to wind and stack effect.
Makes a comparison between the effects on thermal performance and energy use of a number of pre-cooling and ventilation strategies, suitable for use to reduce peak power demands in office buildings in moderate temperature regions. Describes how simulations were performed for different building envelope parts, and for two levels of internal heat load. Lists the results as significant reductions of required daytime peak power loads which may be obtained by cooling strategies that contribute to lowering the internal mass temperatures.