Atria and conservatories.


Ventilation requirements for moisture control in different climates.

One of the most important reasons for ventilation of dwellings is moisture control. Ventilation strategies differ. The article deals with 1) Ventilation as a measure for moisture control in dwellings: comfort aspects, durability aspects, air humidity and ventilation: 2) Principles for risk analyses; surface phenomena, moisture conditions within buildings components; 3) Ventilation requirements in different climates; climatic data for different climatic zones, principles for moisture- ventilation analysis, and analyses of the examples.

A sociological perspective on tenant behaviour with regard to domestic ventilation - an example at Lausanne, Switzerland.

This research attempts to offer partial answers as to how and why inhabitants of a rented apartment building behave as they do in aeration. The authors adopted a two-fold approach : first, by using computerised data recording of outdoor and indoor temperatures per room, the number of hours of sunshine, the surface temperature of radiators and the opening of the windows in each room;second, through interviews with the tenants, sometimes filmed, in order to ascertain their behaviour patterns and underlying motivations in ventilation.

Ventilation and indoor air quality in new Norwegian dwellings.

SINTEF, The Foundation for Scienti f ic and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, has monitored a number of experimental low-energy houses, and also undertaken measurements in some other houses to establish the energy consumption, air tightness, ventilation rates etc. Some of the experimental houses are extremely air tight. In connection with these measurements we have made some observations on the occupants behavior related to ventilation, and their satisfaction with the ventilation system.

Inhabitant behaviour with regard to mechanical ventilation in France.

In France, most of the ventilation systems in dwellings now consist of exhaust vents linked up with a fan, and air inlets. A survey conducted by the CSTB shows that actual ventilation rates are frequently different from prescribed values and that a lot of problems encountered are related to occupant behaviour, - The duration of exhaust flowrate peak value was measured ; it was shown that this duration was dependent on the kind of command and its location in the room. - draughts through air inlets were a major concern. - a lots of air vents did not operate correctly because of fouling.

Ventilation and occupant behaviour in two apartment buildings.

In this paper we approach the subject of ventilation and occupant behavior in multifamily buildings by asking three questions: 1) why and how do occupants interact with ventilation in an apartment building, 2) how does the physical environment (i.e., building characteristics and climate) affect the ventilation in an apartment, and 3) what methods can be used to answer the first two questions. To investigate these and other questions, two apartment buildings in Chicago were monitored during the 1985 - 1986 heating season.

A preliminary study of window opening in 18 low energy houses.

An energy efficiency monitoring programme was carried out from 1984 to 1986 by the South London Consortium Energy Group, United Kingdom Department of Energy, with assistance from British Gas, Watson House, as part of a demonstration project funded by the United Kingdom Department of Energy, the EEC and SLC Energy Group. 18 occupied low energy houses were thoroughly instrumented in order to monitor energy usage and occupant hehaviour.

The influence of occupant behaviour on indoor air quality - a case study.

A balanced ventilation system with heat recovery was designed and installed into an 11 storey prefabricated block building. Monitoring of the system operation was accomplished during a year. Operational characteristics, quantified energy saving, indoor climate parameters and the effect of occupants' behaviour on those were determined and analysed. Temperature runs during durable window opening and cooking periods were monitored and on the basis of the results comparison between the new experimental and the traditional reference system was made.

Occupants' influence on air change in dwellings.

The occupants' behaviour is one of the parameters which has the greatest influence on the air change in the dwelling. This applies both to naturally and to mechanically ventilated dwellings. On the basis of continuous measurement of the air change in 25 dwellings, the relation between the ventilation system and air change and between the number of occupants and air change is discussed. The air change in the 25 dwellings has been measured for a period of about one week during occupancy. The measuring principle applied is "the method with constant concentration of tracer gas".
