Notes that in addition to multiple glazing and storm windows there is a wide range of insulating options available. These products include blinds, shutters, plastic films and shades. Briefly discusses the different products. Gives tables of systems showing manufacturers and performance data.
Reports heat loss measurements made in an unoccupied house at Kenmay, Scotland. Gives constructional details of this well-insulated house. Reports measurements of energy and temperatures over two heating seasons and short term measurements of ventilation by tracer gas decay method. Finds natural ventilation rate of 0.25 air changes/hour and attributes this to low windspeeds. Compares calculated value of fabric heat loss with measured value and finds good agreement. Finds type of system used, either convective or fan heating has not affected the measured heat loss.
Describes some improvements to existing windows, such as increase of thermal insulation and airtightness, easier handling of windows consisting of separate casements, repairs, maintenance and alterations to be made when old windows are replaced.< In the section dealing with thermal insulation, tests were carried out by installing a third pane in the windows in 10 houses, and by reducing ventilation between the panes in 20 houses.< Repair of some types of damage was observed in some case studies.
Calculations show that natural ventilation exploiting wind and specific gravity differences may reduce the need for ventilation heat. This is not done as usual by ventilation through open doors and windows but through fine porous air-permeable outside walls. The optimum thickness of the heat insulation layer is defined, giving maximum saving of total heating and ventilation energy.
Reports a study carried out to assess whether homeowners occupying more highly insulated houses have actually realised fuel savings over those realised by comparable homeowners in less heavily insulated houses. Describes method of the survey which included air leakage tests.
Reports results of a project to assess energy conservation measures in a group of typical three-storey, naturally ventilated, blocks of flats, built in 1940 in Stockholm. The measures were:< 1) Improvement of boiler efficiency< 2) Weatherproofing of windows and doors< 3) Adjustment of the heating system and reduction of indoor temperature< 4) Additional insulation of attic floor<5) Additional insulation of external walls< Discusses the energy conservation effect and profitability of each measure.
In projects to rehabilitate old buildings in Canada, it is general practice to clear out the entire interior of a building, leaving only the structure and some or all of the exterior walls and roof. The new interior conditions impose more severe loads on the building envelope and hence walls and roofs must be upgraded. Discusses improvement of walls and roofs to increase airtightness, reduce rain penetration and conserve energy use. Discusses the effect of insulation and the location of insulation on the envelope performance and possible types of wall and roof modification.
This is a practical handbook for constructing an energy efficient house. Describes energy conservation measures for the reduction of space heating in an average house on the Prairies. Describes conservation measures for a new house which include the improvement of air tightness, insulation, passive solar gainand insulation of window systems. Also describes refitting an older house, reducing energy used to heat water and reducing electricity consumption. Gives a short list of sources of information.
Reports survey of the energy consumption of 50 low-energy passive solar houses in the Saskatoon area. Gives graphs of energy consumption versus degree days for standard and low-energy houses and space heating consumption per unit floor area. Gives table of measurements.
Describes the results of a major study to find out whether or not wall insulation installed without a vapour barrier causes an increased risk of moisture damage within walls. The exterior walls of 96 homes in Portland, Oregon were opened. Presents results of field and laboratory tests which show the absence of indications of moisture damage. Gives data on shrinkage and settling of insulation and results of air leakage measurements by fan pressurization tests. Concludes that the addition of wallinsulation without a vapour barrier does not cause moisture damage in existing homes.