This paper deals with the concept of energy efficient houses as integrated systems. Quantitative analysis is used to show that evenly distributed insulation is more effective than excessive insulation applied to only one element of a house and that ventilation rates are a critical factor in determining the magnitude of energy loss. For a new approach to be adopted on a large scale, it is suggested that a means to implement Planned Change is required. Various models to bring about this change are discussed with an indication of the final recipe used for a demonstration project.
Moisture enters an attic both from the house and from the ventilation air. It has been assumed that when the roof sheathing temperature cools below the attic air dew point, condensation occurs on the roof sheathing. If this were true, then increased attic insulation levels would require increased attic ventilation rates. Results from an experimental study are presented which show that in fact the roof sheathing is in dynamic equilibrium with moisture in the attic air, and that several hundred pounds of water can be stored in the attic wood without ill effects.
Due to better insulation and improved airtightness of doors and windows, the supply of fresh air entering a room has been greatly reduced. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of pollutants emitted by different insulation and building materials. Measurements of the formaldehyde concentration in newbuildings have shown that the admissible limits are still exceeded even after a year. Stricter regulations limiting the emissions of pollutants are therefore urgently necessary.
Adduces the economic advantages of weatherstripping for energy conservation, performance criteria and future developments in materials and fixings. Mentions the advantageous psychological response of personnel. Describes the factors influencing performance - window section, location of seal andinstallation method. Briefly describes the work of the Draughtproofing Advisory Association (DAA). Refers to BS 4315 and demonstrates need for new standards based on air flow measurement round total opening perimeter.
The R-values of permeable insulation systems are generally determined in test apparatus designed to assure one-dimensional heat transfer and to assure no air intrusion effects. Such classical R-values are used to help describe insitu heat-tra
It is only recently that indoor air pollution has begun to attract the attention it deserves in Canadian Governmental and Building code circles. Two main events have been catalytic towards this increased emphasis. First, the ban on the use of ur
Describes methods of predicting concentration levels of indoor air pollution in a variety of residences by using residence air infiltration rates, residence volumes, and source terms, and by making assumptions about occupant lifestyle and poll
During the last fifteen years Urea-Formaldehyde (UF) bonded particle board, medium density fiberboard and plywood have replaced whole wood as a construction material for flooring, wall panelling cabinet work and furniture. At the same time,
The use of urea formaldehyde resins in Canadian houses, the mechanism of formaldehyde releases, health effects, toxicity, carginogenicity, allergic reactions and standards for ventilation are discussed.