Reports on measurements carried out by energy consultants at a national test centre using thermography to determine any improvements in insulation and airtightness through the injection of mineral wool in Dormer houses. Measurements show results which are much better than expected. States costs and payback period of approx 6 years.
Describes a series of experiments performed on a residential attic under controlled laboratory experiments to obtain a better understanding of attics and attic insulation. Studies type and level of ceiling insulation, mean temperature and heat flow direction (summer v winter) and ventilation rate Describes the experimental set-up and the weather conditions simulated. Gives details of the mathematical models of thermal performance that are developed from finite difference analyses of the ceiling-insulation system. Compares experimental results with the predictions of these models.
Describes a national demonstration of the effectiveness of an optimal weatherization programme for low-income families conducted by the Community Services Administration and the National Bureau of Standards. 101 family dwellings in 12 cities
Describes large-scale field studies to investigate the effectiveness of measures to prevent condensation in some 4-storey blocks of walk-up flats in Stirling. The remedial measures in the blocks of flats are improvement of thermal insulation
Describes the types of damage that condensation can cause in a domestic pitched roof with insulation, and outlines the design options available to reduce the risk of condensation. Most of the water vapour comes from within the house, both by movement of air through gaps in the ceiling and by diffusion through the plasterboard. The type of damage depends on the structure of the roof. If there is a non-absorbent lining, water can condense on it and subsequently run or drip on to the timbers and ceilings. Absorbent linings are then wetted and may rot.
Double-glazed windows are poor insulators, with regard to both thermal and acoustic properties. Reports on study of insulated shutters for windows, sponsored by the SCBR and the National Swedish Board for Technical Development. Estimates that the energy loss through such shutters combined with a double-glazed window is about 0.7 w/m2K (compared to 3 to 4 for the window alone) and noise transmission can be cut by 15 to 20 db. Calculates that each square metre of shutter area could save an average of about 300 KWh per year in Sweden.
Gives answers to practical problems encountered when retrofitting older Canadian houses. The first section gives an overview of a typical house both before and after retrofitting. The second section gives detailed answers togeneral questions covering ventilation, moisture and condensation, air barriers (sealing a house), vapour barriers, insulation, basements, walls, attics, roofs, windows, doors, weatherstripping, caulking, air quality, heat recovery and heat loss testing.
Reports on a project carried out in the Caswell Hill and Riversdale areas of Saskatoon to investigate the effectiveness of sealing with caulking and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage. This involved sealing 10 homes, and also insulating the attics and basements of five of these houses after thesealing work. A control group of 10 homes which had been insulated without particular attention being given to sealing procedures were also monitored. The homes were pressure tested by the National Research Council before and after sealing to measure the reduction in air leakage.
Gives a detailed description of 3 types of external shutters that were designed for 3 of 6 proto-type low energy houses at Hjortekaer Denmark. Seals were made, and shown to be efficient by measurements of infiltration air change rates and results from pressurization tests. Verifies the thermal performance of the shutters by thermal calibration, and finds a good agreement between the measured and calculated heat losses. This forms a basis for an estimate of the annual energy savings obtained by the use of shutters - about 800-2000 Kwh/y.
Detailed studies of public sector modernisation programmes show that the principal problem resulting from lack of thermal insulation and inappropriate methods of heating and ventilation is condensation and mould growth. Gives the optimum air change rate (for dwellings with particular heat loss characteristics) at which the heat input necessary to prevent the RH rising is at a minimum. The resulting temperatures are too low to be considered comfortable, so air change rates need to be less than the optimum.