Monitoring of temperature and relative humidity was carried out in an air-conditioned office building during the heating season. In addition, occupants filled in health and comfort questionnaire. Without informing the occupants, humidity was reduced in an experimental area compared to the control area. As this reduction was not so great (2% relative humidity), the differences of occupants perception between areas are not significant. A slight reduction of building related symptoms was observed at higher humidity.
A method based on both measurements and questionnaire has been developed to investigate comfort in office buildings. The measurements apparatus records temperature, humidity, noise, light, odours and occupant's perceived comfort. The questionnaire contains information about indoor climate and working environment. Results are given and analysed for 60 offices in France.
The aim of this study is to investigate an optimal air-conditioning adjustment for an indoor space where people come in and out. The authors conducted the experiments by measuring the physiological and psychological responses of subjects who walked outdoors and then entered a chamber. Psychological responses to summer climate were grouped within three categories of: "cool" - "comfortable," "hot" - "uncomfortable," and "cold" - "uncomfortable." These responses are related with subjects perspiration.
This study compares indoor climate, cooling efficiency and energy consumption of an underfloor air distribution system and a ceiling-based system in a test chamber. Floor-based system appears to provide better thermal conditions with lower electricity consumption.
Ventilation and indoor air characteristics were measured in 63 apartments for elderly people in Finland and residents were inquired about indoor climate. Results are shown and analysed.
The paper presents the effects of airflow access points on the passive modification of indoor air temperature in a partly roofed high-mass courtyard building found in moderate climate of southeast Queensland. Results of a field investigation reveal that despite sufficient shading within the courtyard, its air temperature and thus comfort levels depend greatly on the location of airflow access points in the building layout and section.
As part of a graduation research, six case studies were carried out to assess the validity of 10 often heard assumed disadvantages of natural ventilation in offices, including poor IAQ and thermal discomfort. The case studies included a methodic comparison of six buildings based on literature, interviews, field measurements and re-analysis of reports by others. Thus the preconditions for natural ventilation of office buildings and the most important design features could be determined in order to meet the performance standards as in use in the Netherlands.
This paper presents 3 full-scale test rooms in a series of 14 built in Italy, with different types of façades. The measurements of energy consumption and indoor environment allow a direct comparison between different solutions exposed to identiacal climat
An audit of 20 hospital operating rooms was operated in Grece in order to collect information about the HVAC installations and the indoor physical parameters. Data were also collected from 560 medical personnel through a questionnaire about the assessment of the indoor conditions.