An example of verification, validation, and reporting of indoor environment CFD analyses

A procedure to verify, validate and report CFD analyses in indoor environment applications has been developed. The process on how to use this procedure is explained through the example of CFD modeling of an office with mechanical displacement ventilation.

The philosophy behind the development of a new line of measuring instruments.

There is a wide choice of new technology to choose from when developing a new line of indoor climate measuring instruments. The paper describes the Dantec company's and the authors' vision for meeting the needs. The focus was primarily on the application. Efficiency has been chosen at the expense of versatility in the user interface. Also describes some indoor climate measuring examples.

The management of the individual heating systems in housing. From field studies to specific parameters for projects.

Individual heating systems have become more and more common in Italy in recent years, as a result of the development of a methane gas network and of general housing renovation. The research proposed some field studies to analyse the indoor climate for improving the heating system and indoor climate. Aims to correct the management of the heating systems to improve housing quality and occupant comfort.

Control of the indoor micro-climate zone.

The paper proposes the definitions of the micro-climate zoned indoor and the controlling, it says apply the micro-climate zoned controlled can decline load and reduce the energy of the air-conditioning system. The paper proved the effectives measures of realizing the microclimate zoned controlling by applying airflow partition or displacement ventilation. The aim of this paper is qualitatively found a basal definition of microclimate controlling.

On indoor thermal environment utilizing tunnel air for ventilation in an office building.

This paper investigated design methods of utilising tunnel air for ventilation and prediction methods of distributing state for indoor thermal environment utilizing tunnel air for ventilation in one year in an office building, provided a series of program for design and prediction, and performed verification for a concrete engineering example.

Indoor Environmental Quality in Naturally Ventilated Office Buildings and its Impact on their Energy Performance

During the last two decades the significance of indoor environmental quality in buildings has been appreciated, not only in relation to thermal comfort, but also to indoor air quality. Ventilation is an important tool for securing both a good indoor climate and air quality. However, in buildings without mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems (which comprise the majority in most European countries) natural ventilation presents the only means to satisfy indoor air quality needs.

The influence of street canyons on the cooling loads of buildings and the performance of air conditioning systems.

Gives an overview of a computational approach to the so-called street canyon phenomenon, whereby microclimate influence on thermal loads of buildings and local contribution to temperature rise from air conditioning unit heat emission can affect the heating balance of buildings. Also discusses the influence of flow and temperature fields on the dynamic thermal balance of the building.

Temperature and velocity measurements on a diffuser for displacement ventilation with whole field methods.

In this study the instantaneous temperatures and velocities close to a diffuser for displacement ventilation have been recorded by using whole-field measuring techniques. The air temperatures were measured indirectly by the use of a low thermal mass screen in conjunction with infrared thermography. The measuring screen was mounted parallel to the airflow, acting as a target screen. By using the thermal images the size of the near zone was also calculated. To determine air movements a whole field method called particle streak velocimetry (PSV) was used.

A dynamic model for single sided ventilation.

The aim was to develop a simple dynamic model for predicting air exchange caused by short time single-sided ventilation and necessary window opening time in classrooms. Tracer gas measurements have been made in a full-scale room. The comparison indicates that the model can be used when rough estimates of air exchange are of interest.
