Effect of renovating an office building on occupants' comfort and health.

An intervention study was performed in a mechanically ventilated office building in which there were severe indoor climate complaints among the occupants. In one part of the building a new heating and ventilation strategy was implemented by renovating the HVAC system, and a carpet was replaced with a low-emitting vinyl floor material; the other part of the building was kept unchanged, serving as a control. A comprehensive indoor climate investigation was performed before and after the intervention.

Indoor air quality handbook.

Are healthy building possible?

Pollution source control and ventilation improve health, comfort and productivity

Control of indoor pollution sources and ventilation are both means of improving indoor air quality. Three independent experiments have recently documented that removing a pollution source or increasing the ventilation rate will improve perceived air quality, reduce the intensity of several Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms and improve the productivity of office workers.

Health risks from indoor air pollutants: public alarm and toxicological reality

The air, particularly the indoor air, contains a considerable burden of unwanted pollution. Overall there may be thousands of pollutants. They are brought in with the outside air or are generated from or within buildings. Most will be present in minute amounts but several will be present in measurable quantities. The reaction of people to the components of this pollution has little to do with toxicological assessment but is more concerned with political responses and media scares.

Application of ultraviolet light for the control of airborne pathogens & spoilage organisms.

Ultraviolet light has been demonstrated to effectively de-activate pathogens and all other airborne bacteria, virus and mould species. The technology is already widely used within process users of air, GMP manufacturers and by those with an interest in a high quality indoor air supplies, such as call centres, banks and other high employee density locations. The technology is now being applied to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infection at healthcare providers worldwide.

Health care IAQ: guidance for infection control.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) challenges outnumber all others in the health care industry. Unfortunately, the cost conscious powers that be have failed to make the management of critical infection control systems a top priority.

Computers and health in the workplace.

This paper describes research on the extremely low frequency (ELF) end of the electromagnetic spectrum from VDUs, because this is very close to the frequencies of the brain when it is concentrating. Our most recent experiments involve the use of an alpha oscillator which when stimulated with magnetic radiation from VDU's emits frequencies which peak around 12 Hz. The oscillator neutralises ELF emissions from the VDU by resonance thus acting like a tuning fork.
