Energy performance of the naturally ventilated building

One of the main arguments supporting the application of the natural ventilation is the reduction inenergy consumption and capacity of the HVAC system. Here several tests of the building with different systems are carried to quantify the differences in capacities and energy consumptions of different solutions for the HVAC system. The tests were carried with the simulation program built in Simulink. To validate the model the measurements were done in Test cell at TU Delft as well as in the real office building.

Air Infiltration Performance for Residential Buildings in the Winter of Harbin, China

This research was to assess the performance of air infiltration, the corresponding energy consumption, indoor contaminant level for residential buildings in Harbin, a typical city in the severe cold region of China. Based on questionnaire survey and field measurements, the prototypical apartment building includes its physical structure, air leakage and life style of occupants has been determined. Then unsteady-state numerical simulations were carried out by the use of COMIS.

Modelling of ‘behavioural adjustments’ and its impact on energy consumption in offices

In this study the concept of ‘adaptive behaviour’ is extended to look at the effects of personal adjustments and regulator control changes provided in offices. It is evident from experience as described in the adaptive approach, that clothing can play an

The retrofit of existing ventilation and air treatment units : an experimental and methodological approach

Recent studies in Switzerland showed that in large non residential buildings, which can be compared for typology and ventilation needs, the consumption of electricity for mechanical ventilation can vary considerably from case to case. Moreover in such a building it represents a percentage not negligible of the whole consumption of electricity. We had a confirmation of that behaviour with a study we made during 1999-2000 on a set of eighty air treatment units of the Civic Hospital in Lugano (Southern Switzerland).

Impact of ventilation systems on indoor air quality and annual energy consumption in school buildings

The paper presents the results of the analysis of the impact of various ventilation systems on indoor air quality and energy consumption, performed for a typical Polish elementary school that was built in 1970s. Simulations were made with the use of two computer codes: CONTAM W and ESP-r. A multizone model of the global capacity of 9464 m3 was performed. The model contained 17 classrooms and 10 additional rooms typical of such buildings.

Energy consumption, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools

School buildings in Flanders are quite old. They cause concern not only about energy efficiency but also about thermal comfort, indoor air quality, speech intelligibility and visual comfort. To evaluate the correctness of the concerns, energy consumption was monitored in 18 schools, while in each of them a classroom was selected for detailed measurements on comfort and indoor air quality. The results justify the concern. Energy consumption per pupil varies significantly, from low to really high.

Energetic effects of demand - controlled ventilation retrofitting in a biochemical laboratory building

The main objective of the demonstration project LabSan is the innovative energetic retrofitting of a research laboratory building (3724 m² net floor area) which can serve as an outstanding and guiding example for a large number of existing laboratory buil

On the influence of the air infiltration heat losses on the energy performance of Italian residential buildings

It is often discussed about the possibilities that more efficient windows offer to reduce the energy loads in residential buildings. Often such results can be achieved reducing the thermal transmittance or optimising the solar gains, not so often the influence of the air permeability is taken into account. This issue is, on the contrary, very important in countries, as Italy, where the age of the building stock is accompanied by the installation of very old windows, characterised by high air leakage, which causes strong heat losses and discomfort phenomena for users.

Field observations of room air distribution performance in a high performance home

The objective of the current investigation was to evaluate the field performance of room air distribution in two rooms of a high-performance (low heating and cooling load) home. Thetwo rooms had similar exterior exposures but had different supply register locations (high sidewall and floor). The impact of normal equipment cycling on the room air distribution performance was also investigated. The performance was evaluated based on room air temperature measurements andthe requirements of ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE 1992).

A stochastic approach to thermal comfort - Occupant behavior and energy use in buildings

This paper presents the results of surveys of the use of simple controls opening of windows, the closing of window blinds, and the use of lighting, heaters, and fans by building occupants. Information is also presented on the use of air conditioning in mixed-mode buildings. The surveys were conducted in the UK, Pakistan, and throughout Europe. The data are analyzed to show how the use of each control varies with outdoor temperature. The paper discusses the application
of such results to the simulation of occupied buildings.
