Reports on an investigation concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings, which was financed by the EEC and the Dutch Ministry for Housing and Public Works. Concludes that:< 1. In single family houses air flow through cracks and joints causes more ventilation then is required.< 2. Flats with more airtight construction provide better control of ventilation.< 3. The amount of wind protection plays a part as important as airtightness.< 4.
Measurements were made of the apparent volume flows in the mechanical ventilation system of a block of flats, along with the expected energy arising from domestic ventilation. The aim was to see what energy saving could be obtained by reducing the mechanical ventilation in the block of flats. It was found that this depended on the reaction of the occupants. If they opened an extra vent light for a few hours per day, then the energy losses due toventilation were higher then before the reduction of the mechanical ventilation.
Reviews some of the cost effective techniques for energy conservation in new dwellings. Covers site layout and design, insulation of roofs, walls, doors and windows, ventilation control and control of condensation.
Examines the economic aspects of energy conservation techniques suitable for retrofitting into existing homes. Includes insulation, storm windows and doors, and weatherstripping. The object of this study is to determine that combination of techniques which will maximise net dollar savings in life-cycle operating costs for heating and cooling operations in existing homes, subject to specific climate conditions, fuel costs and retrofitting costs.
Describes current projects for developing rational methods and systems for energy inspections in existing buildings, which is currently lacking. In future, these accurate functional measurements will contribute to more accurate assessments even in the case of simpler visual inspections. Theresults of the investigations will be collated in a data base which will laterform the basis of an applied energy inspection system.
The perfomance of single-family houses built to the new swedish building code was considered. In the code, the requirements for thermal insulation for different building sections were strengthened, and completely new requirements for a building`s airtightness were introduced. One site- built design acheived a estimated 1/3 reduction in energy consumption, but another less airtight factory-made house showed serious shortcomings in the indoor climate acheived.
This research report explores the possibilities for energy saving in municipal office buildings. It is based on a study carried out for one London borough in mid-1980`s taking one specific building complex, comprising two adjoining buildings, as an example. The energy-saving measures covered include reduction of air-change rates by draught- proofing windows doors and skylights, and the report indicates the scale of potential savings along with the capital costs.
With increased concern for energy conservation, many new standards have been developed. Discusses these standards which are of three types, prescriptive, component performance and performance. Outlines several design approaches toreducing air infiltration.
In some buildings in Canada ventilation systems are being operated with the outside air supply dampers completely closed during winter to reduce ventilation and hence conserve energy. Reports measurements of the carbon dioxide concentrations in the classrooms of a small elementary school, when the outside air-supply damper was closed, to assess whether ventilation was adequate. Concentrations were found to be well below the maximum accepted occupational standard of 0.5% and air infiltration gave an adequate fresh air supply.
The potential for air conditioning energy savings using exhaust fans to cool attics was investigated in six occupied townhouses at Twin Rivers. These houses were compared with similar houses without attic fans. The houses had various levels of instrumentation. Data collected for two summer months in 1977 was the basis for this study. The principal quantities measured were attic and living space temperatures, air conditioner and attic fan usage,together with outside air temperature and solar flux.